Beach Bits,  Family Matters,  heavy on photos,  Niece-com-poops

Rapunzel is back! (for a visit)


Rapunzel came to visit! She’s gone now. I’m a little behind in writing about it.

When she was here she special-requested that we have a beach day for old time’s sake. Then we got a little busy and only managed to squeeze in a beach dinner which was totally fine with us!  I don’t love sitting around at the beach all day as much as I love sitting around at the beach in the evening, watching the sun go down and roasting hot dogs and marshmallows.


I took my big new fancy camera and tried to capture some memories. Everyone is growing up so fast.


I’ve been logging my days lately on a silly mood app (I can’t recommend it because it’s not really that helpful) and I have to say that this day at the beach registered as my best day all month. I think I just like spending time with family and taking photos. Those might be my two favorite things.


Beach food isn’t so bad. I mean, it is so bad but that’s kind what is so good about it. Melty marshmallows with Nutella, crispy charred hot dogs with mustard and ketchup and Dorritos… mmm!


Bug and Joon really got obsessed with roasting things. Cheries, salt and vinegar chips… did you know you can use Dorritos as kindling? Good to know!


Payam is always the master of fire ceremonies.


The girls are master posers.


We sat around and talked and then had cherry pit spitting contest for old time’s sake. So classy.


We watched the sun go down and burned things.



It was a good night. And now Rapunzel is back home and we miss her but it was really nice to have her around for a minute!


We’ll have to really put out the effort to get to the beach again and not just when guests come to visit.

One Comment

  • Lynne

    Hi, reading your last two posts made me realise just how long I’ve been following your blog, Bug was just a little smidge and Rapunzel and Super Chic tiny little girls . Le sigh. You’ve done fantastic job of documenting their childhoods. le sigh at the years gone by but such filled years, well lived.

    My sister nearest to me in age have been reminiscing a lot recently about times gone by, and our position in the family now as “older aunts” when just a minute ago the “boys’ were little kids and we spent our days on the beach building sandcastles with them. Days spent together on the beach are golden ones.

    Lots of love.

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