Shop Talk

SAJ 2016 Calendar rough draft is here!

SAJ-2016-Calendar-2I finally finished the SAJ 2016 Calendar! You know the drill: click, print, edit and get back to me on all the errors I may have made via email or in the comments. It’s free for now but once I’ve fixed all the typos I’ll put it in my shop for a couple of bucks. I didn’t put all the holidays in this year. I just couldn’t figure out which ones to include and not include so discuss and let me know what you miss.

It’s in my shop here!

Lucy the cat approves.


I’m pretty happy with it. I don’t love August but that was a super busy month with all the moving and dramatic heat-waving…so that’s how it goes. And I left out the llama banner in favor of the black turkey illustrations from my Where’s My Snood game. It seemed more Novemberish. One of these years I need to break down and make a real calendar with full-size illustrations and sell it for $20. Maybe next year.

In other news:

Maybe you noticed from my instagram feed that Payam is putting up a shed in the backyard for all his woodworking hobbies. I’m very excited about it because it will mean two things: first it will be a special place for him AND secondly (and most exciting for me) all of his many tools will go in one place and I get to use the space that he is no longer using for CRAFTING! Woot!!

All the cupboards in the garage that have been blocked by saws and air compressors and work benches filled with sockets and wrenches and miscellaneous stuff will be gone! We will have to have a grand reorganizing party when he is done and I’m pumped. Yes, I’m weird. I like organizing.

I’m super happy for Payam because he loves working with his hands and he doesn’t really get to do that with his day job. This is going to be a special place for him to make really cool stuff.  One of these days I need to write a post about all the things he has built around the house.

PayamsShed-2I remember when I was living in the sticks there was a time when I thought it would be the most fantastic thing to build a tree in my living room for Bug’s fairy party. I know now that that is a really stupid idea but I remember sitting there in the living room trying to figure out how I could install a giant branch that would attach to the ceiling with brackets and I gave up because it was too hard. I remember clearly thinking that if I ever dated again I would have to date someone who was handy. It was just a daydream back then but my wishes came true!! And the most wonderful thing about Payam is that he wouldn’t even try to talk me out of a giant tree in the living room. He’d totally be down with it.


  • Helena

    ha! I went to a 2nd birthday party here in NYC where the mom and dad built a giant paper mache tree for a Winnie the Pooh party…she joked that they almost got divorced over that!

  • Helena

    Eeeeee! I love the calendar! Are you in love or what, woman? haha. I like you in the October, and what is happening with Bug in September? Is she glowering?

    • SAJ

      Blush. I know… heart, heart, heart.

      And yes, Bug is glowering in October. That banner was inspired by the Chopped Kitchen challenge we were doing and how skeptical the kids were of the food.

  • Cathy

    Thank you – I always love your calendars and stare at them all year long at work. I think this is your best one yet! Did Payam tell you what he thought of your drawing of him? :) And I am so jealous of your crafting space!

  • BeachMama

    Your calendars are always awesome! And yay for the shed!! Payam is great and for him to have his own space to create will be fabulous. Also, now I want to know what he built :D

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