• BIG news,  coffee!coffee!coffee!,  Shop Talk

    I see BIG things…


    If you follow my instagram feed you’ve probably been wondering what is up with all the GREAT BIG GIANT cardboard things lately. Well, let me tell you! It’s so exciting and it’s really in the early stages so things could change a lot over the next year but I’m involved in a new start-up company called Metta Prints. They print anything and everything in large format and they cut them out with a giant robot. It’s pretty cool. I think we’re going to make a little movie about the process eventually.

    Usually people blow up photos of their kids for birthday parties or life-size cardboard cut-outs of Justin Beiber or giant flowers for their walls…but they’ve partnered with me to blow up graphics. SAJ graphics! You know me, I’m all about the cardboard. We’ve been making all kinds of things.


    Giant Eiffel Towers, giant ampersands… Yes, Secret Agent Josephine in Paris is supposed to come out this fall. I’m going to make a giant SAJ character next and hide her behind doors and freak everyone out. It’s going to be so much fun.

    Basically right now I am helping Metta Prints build their website so we are making things and photographing them. The site works but it’s very much in beta stage right now. If you want something big, like really really big, just hit me up. I can make it happen for you. Eventually we are going to have contests and giveaways and all kinds of fun things. There’s talk of a Build Your Own Monster interface. How fun would that be?!! We might make furniture and giant cardboard castles. Who knows…the sky’s the limit. Actually, I think eight feet is the limit but that’s plenty big enough for me!


    If you are a photographer and you are looking for props or maybe you’re having a family reunion and you need a giant cut-out of the family name you might want to keep Metta Prints in mind. Email me. Wouldn’t a giant ampersand be the cutest thing for engagement photos?


    You think on that and I’ll go drink my BIG GIANT COFFEE and wait for you.

  • Buddies

    Queen Quail is Quiet


    I’m really super excited to announce that a good internet buddy of mine, Erika B, has an illustrated children’s book out called Queen Quail is Quiet: and other ABC Tongue Twisters. We’ve both been illustrating for years and sort of watched each other grow. I love her style. We are similar in some ways and yet so different. When she told me she was interested in writing a book I hooked her up Calee who published my book. And now Erica’s beginning her first public relations tour like I did mine a year ago. I thought it would be fun to let her do a little guest post here. AND guess what?!! She even made a little video about her process which makes me think I need to make one too. Well, one of these days. No promises on how soon that will happen.

    p.s. If you do buy her book, (paperback version here) leave a review! Reviews are always needed! Thanks!

    So without further ado, I introduce Erika Barriga and here is her post: Enjoy!

    What were you waiting for? I keep wanting to reach back in time and shake my twenty-something self around. Talk to her in a stern and serious voice, calm and collected, about how she needs to just find what she loves and pursue it. I’m not sure what took me so long, maybe it was the thought that I had “all the time in the world” to do things. Whatever the case, for me, having my baby girl jump-started my system. After having her, I felt/feel like I can do anything. So I have grabbed that feeling by it’s wings and I don’t want to let go.


    My first book, Queen Quail is Quiet, was just published mid-May and it is a labor of love. I wanted to grow in storytelling so I decided to tackle the alphabet letter by letter. This book illustrates every letter using every sound of each letter. A fun way to learn how to read and the sentences result in silly tongue twisters for older kids. I created the art digitally and I have wanted to make a video showing how I illustrate for a long time.

    I felt that fear again when it came time to actually change the viewing option to “public” on YouTube. But I thought about being fearless and it pushed me to just push the button. Stop not sharing. Don’t be afraid to do what you want, just keep pushing toward your goal. It’s uncomfortable but worth it.

    So I have a video for you (with my voice! eek) I hope you enjoy it and read my book. It’s great for all ages. ;)

    Until I figure out how to embed the video click HERE.