The Zoo

A Letter from the CatZ

We Mizus U @neilochka .

Deer NeEl,

Constant companions. Untitled

Do you know the week of THksGiVng? Do you want to PLaY with uz?

Checking out my new blanket bin. She's getting fat! Poor cat probably has an eating disorder due to her previous owners starving her plus less exercise due to being confined to an apartment all day.  May have to stop free-feeding the kibble. :(

R owner is goING on VaCa$hun and leeving uz all aloooone. We R LOONEly and SAD and DeSTRUCTv. We HAZ howse to Rselvs! PARtyTimez!

Fiesta. Even my cat likes to play Othello.

Want 2 PLAY gamz with UZ? We R FUN to the MAX. Lots of ruF-housing and nite-time romps.

Designer Kitty. It's so hot the cats are melting.

We wud let you sleep sometimeZ in the DAY.

Seriously, cat? You're feeling vearrrry sleeeeepy...

We are full of cuddleZ and purrZ. We wud be quiet 4 u WRK.


We CONTROL UR MIND. U luv us. U mis us. U come clean R litter box.


the cats.