Alpha+Mom post,  elsewhere!,  Shiksa post

Shiksa Crafts!

Shana Tova!

We sure do a lot of Jewish crafts for not being Jewish but we like it that way. Jesus was Jewish after all so it’s fun to follow Jewish traditions and imagine what Jesus did when he was little. I don’t think he made honeybee cards like these ones we made for Alpha+Mom but I’m sure he ate honey!

Theses cards are actually really fun and super simple to make. Got bubble wrap? Got paint? Got patience for a little painty mess? Then you should make some!


If you celebrate Rosh Hashanah you might like to make some napkin rings like these we made for The Shiksa in the Kitchen. The kids loved painting the beads.


I do really love painting with children. I think one of these days I might retire Secret Agent Josephine and start a more intimate blog just about painting and being still in the quietness of art.

Tea and painting.



  • Melissa K. in Nebraska

    Well I’m not looking forward to that. Let’s just hope SAJ retires oh …. after Bug’s graduation. College graduation.

  • Susan:)

    Love the honeybee painting! As soon as I find some bubble wrap, I am going to make this with my nieces! They are Jewish, so it’s perfect!

  • noelia

    I was looking for a cool idea for the holiday and this was just PERFECT! My bees came out pretty big (big thumb here)… but the cards looked amazing!
    GREAT IDEA!!!!