• my books

    Calling all Reviewers!

    here hoo!

    It seems the secret to book-selling success on amazon.com is reviews. There is some strange and mysterious formula where if you have thirteen reviews or more then your books move up the charts. Weird, I know. It doesn’t even matter if they are bad reviews (shudder!). So I am desperate for reviews. Are any of you reviewing queens out there in the world of books? If so, please email me (jo at secret hyphen agent hyphen josephine dot com) and my publisher will hook you up with a free advance copy of my new Halloween book, “Who’s There, Little Hoo?”

    rewardy hoo

    Free stuff! Woo Hoo! Hoo-ey Baby! There is going to be a lot of hoo-ing and hawing around here as you may have gathered. Hooo wants to review my book? You do!!! I think it’s only for the kindle version right now but that is good because Hoo looks hootimous in kindle color! You hoo? Anybody? Any Hoo? Email me!

    UPDATE: Hoo-wee! Thanks everybody. I think we’re out of review copies but your response means so much to me. If you left a comment or sent me an email, check your inboxes in the next few days. :)

    P.S. If you have any of my other books and would like to review them on amazon, please do!