The idea was to dribble so much sugar onto these cookies that I am not tempted to take even one bite. I think it worked. I didn’t eat a single one and just thinking of them makes me a little sick. But oh they were so much fun!

Fun fun fun! All the way up to…

clean-up time.
Lol that’s a clever idea, making the cookies too sweet for you to eat. Reminds me of the time we made hundreds of cupcakes the night before our wedding. Blee all that icing put me off eating any, but not other people luckily. I also bring in peanut cookies and Reese pieces to work sometimes, as gifts, I’m not tempted to eat them as I have to avoid nuts. Bit sneaky.
a chris
Hahaha! Can’t make them too sweet for me, unfortunately. Although all that work might make me queasy…
Gingermog, how on earth do you get your hands on Reese’s Pieces? I haven’t had them in years, since I knew someone who could buy them at a US military base. I guess they’re not that important to me anymore, since I don’t think to buy them when I visit Canada. But it’s been a “thing I can’t get” for a long time.
Those look yummy! Did you send them along with the cute carrots for Bug’s class party, or are the cookies just for lucky friends and family? Whoever they are for, they are in for a sweet treat! Looooovvvveeee Me some sugar!
Oh wow. I am daunted by sugar cookies. It looks like so much work. And I wasn’t even thinking about the clean up. And to not eat them after all that work? That would make me not happy. Yummies to not eat? Aaarrrgh!!
Hi a chris do you live in the UK as well?
I live in London and you do see small packets of Reeces Pieces for sale in the newsagents. I buy the bigger bags when I go to New York to visit my relatives living there. Just had a thought, you may be able to buy them on line at http://www.cybercandy.co.uk I know they sell Twizzlers.
Your cookies turned out so cute! I took the plunge and made sugar cookies this year as well. My kitchen is still a mess and it’s going to stay that way until tomorrow morning or maybe afternoon. I finished icing the cookies, turned off the light and walked away. I hate the clean up!
Even your messy kitchen is adorable. Sorry about your earwigs. I laughed at the meowing flashlight though! :)