Family Matters,  Shop Talk

Papa’s Slippers

pink kitty slippers!

I figure I might as well round out this week with another post for my dad. How cute are these kitty slippers my dad just knitted? He’s the knitting truck driver!

kitty hands!

We think they’re the cat’s pajamas. They’re great for playing with as well as keeping your feet (or hands!) cozy. Meorrrrrrow? ZZZzzzzzz……

bedtime story kitty feet

Purrrrrfect for bedtime stories and just goofing off.


Come on, you know you need some!


  • Sarah

    It makes me so happy to see Bug reads Olivia, it’s my favorite children’s book in the whole world! The imagination games and fun that Olivia creates are so what I imagine Bug to be!!

  • Elizabeth

    Your whole family is so creative and adorable! I love your dad’s slippers! Especially the ones with bear claws — fabulous!

  • Kate

    Oh how I love the fact that your dad is both a truck driver AND he knits. Plus he can repair and fix just about anything. Totally awesome!

  • Amy

    Those are super cutie adorable!! Alas no lil Bug in my life anymore. Will keep him in mind next time I have a baby shower to go to though :)