place holder posts

Keepin’ Busy

OCMA 100 lb interactive clay exhibit

We’ve been keeping busy. I’m trying to stay home more. Do things locally and all that. We’ve hit the dollar theatre, all our regular parks and the local museum. Our local museum hosts a kids’ event every second Sunday of the month with crafts and interactive exhibits. It’s actually pretty cool. I don’t know why we haven’t gone before.

National Library Week has been saving us this week. I love all the free events they have scheduled. I’m going to be sad when it’s over.

Silly Science Show

Today we went to the Silly Science Show put on by the Friends of the Library. It was a hoot. Whoever is donating money to the library in my neighborhood has been seriously contributing to the happiness of my kid. This show was top notch. The wild-haired professor had the kids rolling with laughter and learning scientific principles at the same time. He covered subjects I learned in high school and those kids ate it up. Of course there were some kids who were squirrelly who needed to be kept in line but he handled them pretty well. Better than I would.

So that’s what we’ve been up to. I know it’s not the most exciting post but I thought I better at least put something up.


  • a chris

    Sounds like you’ve been busy indeed! Way to make use of your local resources. Looks like there’s some pretty good stuff, in fact.

    I would have been interested to see the silly science show…

  • Ninabi

    Oh, I think it’s a neat post- being out and about is never dull, I think. Did Green Bear stay home from all these trips?

    SAJ says: Yes, Green Bear has been staying at home waiting for Bug in his spot on her bed. But don’t think I didn’t get asked five times before each outing if he could come with. She loves that bear.

  • Courtney

    Wooo! Yay for the library love! My mom works at that library that had the Silly Science show and I work for another local library. We library people love seeing happy kids in the library. It doesn’t matter if they are there for the books, the show, or both! :)

  • jaynette

    We planned one whole summer around events at the library and the parks program. All free and highly intertaining.

  • followingtheroad

    I always say I’m going to start doing things around here but then I get distracted by the Shiny! Pretty! Things to do in OC. I really should get to know what’s here.

    The art show looks like fun. I LOVE the way they have displayed the art on those closet organizers and wood blocks. Who thinks of these things? Awesome.

  • Kuky

    It sounds like fun. Actually anything sounds fun right now. It’s been three days of cuddling with Isabelle in front of a television. I’m so bored of watching cartoons. I can’t wait for her to get better so we can do something, anything else together.

  • BeachMama

    I love the library. We don’t have as much cool stuff as you guys, but it still helps get the kids out. I must say it looks like Santa has a Summer job ;)