Bug,  place holder posts

Quick Pic Post


Just a quick slide show while I try to figure out what I’m supposed to be doing. Does anybody know of a fun place to take your kid (in Orange County) where they can play in a relatively germ-free environment and you can sit and quietly work at your laptop (with one eyeball on them of course) at the same time? There is no such place is there?


  • Calee

    Seriously! When you blogged about the coffee shop/ kid space I wished for days that there was something like that here. If I knew about it, we’d be there.

  • briana garrott


    the one in mission veijo is awesome and very clean. they have wall mounted anti bacterial sanitizer pumps. although she will probably want you to play with her. it is very loud but tons of entertainment! lots of mom’s scrapbook there. not sure if you can plug in.

  • Jennifer

    Also, you are welcome to visit anytime. We could throw down a vat of cheetos in the middle of the livingroom, play DVD’s and ignore the kids for hours!

  • JenK

    The mission viejo mall has a fairly cleanish playground on the second floor. I always see moms hanging out there. Of course I don’t think there is Wi-fi available so unless your laptop has a card, it might not help unless your doing work that doesn’t need internet access.
    You’ll probably want something a little more north than that anyway. Pretty much every mall has a playground in it. What about Fashion Island? It’s outside so you don’t have to feel guilty about locking Bug up all day, has plenty of room for a kid to roam and still stay in eye-shot and it’s clean. Cleaner than a sandbox or a beach anyway.

  • BeachMama

    There is one here, not far from my house. The only problem is that it is not germ free. Why don’t I go there more often? I never remember before naptime. Perhaps it is time to pay them another visit.

  • Tammy

    Your other option is to let me babysit her sometime. She could come over and hold my noisy, but sweet guinea pig and play with my dog. You are holding out on me, B! :-)