Bug,  Life Lessons,  travel

Recap: Vacation Day 4,5,6
and all the rest of those days that sort of ran together

touching the lake

I wrote up until day three of our vacation and then I let go of my self-inflicted work ethic. Without the internet to check in on me, days ran into each other and I left my laptop alone more and more. Being bored was actually kind of fun. Want to instantly be transported back to your youth? Let yourself get bored.

Bug and I probably threw enough rocks into the lake to alter it’s geography. It was completely boring but strangely I didn’t feel agitated to go find something else to do. It was more important to just sit there and record every little nuance of boredom because it might not happen again for a long time.

Time crawled. We got so bored that fishing was the most exciting thing to do. We fished every day. We caught so many fish that even catching them got boring but we kept doing it anyway. It was a perfectly happy and content boredom, something I don’t think I’ve ever felt comfortable with before. But here I was completely comfortable. The slower the day went by, the better. I’ve never had a vacation that didn’t fly by before. It was strange but wonderful.

There is nothing like the sound of grasshoppers snapping their wings in the air as they fly from one sitting place to the next. Flies buzzing off in the distance not giving you the time of day because they have other things to do. The still air, the sun soaking into your shirt, warming your back. Soft ripples of water lapping against the side of the canoe, gently pushing you this way and that… quietly, softly, like dreaming. This was the perfect way to end the summer.

I still have some more highlights of the trip that I want to write about but I just wanted to post this before I forgot about it.


  • gingermog

    Ahh sweet, sweet boredom. Right now I am in the middle of a drawing marathon. I haven’t left the house in 4 days and I am entirely powered by Gummi bears and coffee. It’s not all bad though I love what I’m doing. I just dropped by to see if you’d updated and was rewarded by you writing about lazing in the sun on water. Ahh one of my favourite things to do. I”m drinking up your words and feeling the sun on my back. Maybe I’ll get to do some sailing next summer. Thank you :)

  • nicole

    sounds like it was a vacation you will cherish…in our fast paced lives I think it is good to chill…even if it means hightailing it to the back woods and fishing! Next time stop by and see us!


    What a true “vacation” you just had! It’s really hard for type A’s (speaking for myself only, here) to slow down and actually just “be” somewhere… Good for you putting down the computer and being in the moment!!

  • Ana

    Sounds perfect! I’d love to go somewhere cold and quiet right now… (that sounded spooky) what I meant is that I’d love to go camping ;)

  • BeachMama

    Now that is a vacation. And when things get crazy and hectic this winter, just pull out your photos and remember how much you loved being bored.

    Great reflection in the photo!