• artsy fartsy,  illos,  party party

    Paper girls know how to party!

    cucumber eyes!

    You may have noticed the spa girl in my header this month. That’s my nod to my birthday that is coming up next Monday. I’m not really going to a spa for my birthday but a girl can day dream, right? I’m saving the spa party for my 40th which is totally right around the corner. Yikes. I’m going to be thirty-seven, can you believe it?

    Anyway, I was going to invite a few girlfriends with daughters to a local fruity-tooty nail salon for girls for my birthday but everybody up and had plans already. So I decided that I’m going to throw myself a virtual party with paper dolls! Bug’s really been into paper dolls lately so I thought it would be cool to make myself a paper doll. (Not anatomically correct, of course.) That way I could pose myself relaxing with a big fat fruity drink.

    Spa Girls eat cupcakes

    Would you like to join me? Cut Virtual Brenda out, make yourself a fruity drink and stick some cucumbers on your eyes. It’s fun! I apologize for the twenty minutes it will take you to cut all those curves but hey think of those twenty minutes as a little escape from your real life. Maybe tomorrow I’ll design us a trip to Spain in a Vespa!