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yay! the bags are here!

Hip Hip Hooray! The first half of the orders went out today. If you ordered on December 3rd, your shipments went out today! A few Canadian packages are going out tomorrow because I still have to fill out the customs forms. The Post Office said I didn’t really have to fill them out, since I’m sending “papergoods”, but I decided I’d rather err on the safe side.

off to the post office!

That’s my news today. Not really all that exciting. But around here, it’s reason to celebrate. We went to Starbucks.


  • Christan

    Yay Canada!

    Boo for customs paperwork – but still yay for Canada!

    (I’m a Canadian temporarily living in California, and missing it. Any mention of home… and well… this is the result!)

    SAJ says: I love Canadians too!

  • lynne

    Canada does rock and I love Canadians. I’m a bit worried that I’ve been filling in the custom forms wrong and my family out there are not getting the Cadburys chocolate I send. I’ve just heard about how strick the authorities are on even on putting the return address in the wrong place might cause your package to be rejected. Is this true?

  • jen lemen

    i have MUCH sympathy for you on those little custom forms!!! i have filled out so many, so incorrectly in my life time. congrats on being a busy bee this holiday season!

  • Heather

    Doing a little dance because I ordered the cards and now they’re in the mail and a little bundle of happy is headed our way! It’ll be hard not to tear the package open as soon as it arrives, but I know the kiddo will flip when she sees the cards on Christmas morning. Thanks, Brenda!

  • BeachMama

    Yay!! Can I give another Canadian shout out :).

    I will say you guys seem to get away with more on your custom forms than we do. I got a few packages that had ‘rocks’ as the description. When I go to the post office I have to detail anything on the way, thus messing up the surprise.

    I hope your packages get off safely.

  • Katie

    I am in love with the bags! Are they silkscreened or is it a stamp? Just curiuos because they are so beautiful!

    SAJ says: Actually it’s just iron on transfer. I hope nobody’s disappointed.

  • Michelle

    You look so cute with your mail all bundled up and headed off to send happiness to everyone :o) Also, could your mom BE any cuter!!!! She is adorable :o) What a cool project you have given life to! You rock, SAJ!

  • Gramma

    As if the mom of an almost two year old does not have enough to do, you manage to create useful, worthwhile gizmos. Don’t stop. Maybe you need a twenty-six hour day to work on all those projects whirling around in your head.

    Sorry about my last comment. It should continue: Stir over heat until thickened.

  • OMSH

    NOBODY will be disappointed. The bags are adorable and the cards are fabulous. And YOU are the bomb.

    And wow, a mail crate to boot – so prepared are we, no?

  • jessicab

    This is very exciting news. I can’t wait to see them for real, in person and stuff. My daughter already knows her alphabet but I still got her a set, and also a set for my 2 year old neice for Christmas. You Rock, you cutie patootie.

  • Island Mummy

    Yay for Canada! I found when I had a business I could be quite vague on the
    customs forms. I had a bead store and I have shipped many boxes from the US and Asia with pretty vague descriptions: stone beads, metal beads.

    As long as there is an invoice included (preferably in triplicate) they will wave it through, especially coming from the US. There is really no duty on US goods, and we may have to pay 6% Goods and Services Tax but that should be it.

    I always found USPS was the best way to ship from the States to Canada.
    I ordered on the 4th… I can hardly wait !

  • Rhi

    Yay! I just bought some for my niece – I decided it’s much more fun to get many small gifts instead of one big one, so this will be a nice thing to add to her presents.

  • Kate B.

    Whoa. I was without internet for a month and I come back to find all this crazy commerce going on. Good for you! I am excited to read your posts from the last month, to see how this thing grew. You may now officially be my mommy-hero.

    Keep on keepin’ on,
    Kate B.

  • cc

    And you were worried that you weren’t going to actually sell but a few sets. Once Shawn has steady work again, I’ll be ordering a set, too. SuperChic will know her alphabet by the beginning of the next school year even if it kills me, or her.