Bug,  Life Lessons,  Slow News Day

here’s to a million firsts

I know I’ve said this about eighty times already but I think one of the most wonderful things about having a kid is going through all the “first times” with them. Life is full of wonder again. From the first time she discovered that toilet paper unravels, to blowing out a dandelion, to learning how to turn the water faucet on and off and banging cupboard doors open and shut, open and shut… it’s all so much fun. Having kids makes it easier to get old, I think. I’m not so afraid of the future any more. I’m excited about it.


  • OMSH

    I found myself saying “Going, going … GONE!” while watching the slide show.

    I too love watching all the “first times” – like today, for instance, first time projectile vomit HIT THE BACK OF THE TOILET and bounced so hard it splatted me and Kenny on the chest standing in front of the toilet.

    Yep, those firsts!

  • Angella

    Great photos! The firsts are amazing. And even though it’s my third time through them – it still blows my mind at how excited I get!

  • Melanie

    I did an amazing course last year and one of the things said that has really sat with me as a mother was; “wow’ your children and let them live in wonder(wow) of the world and all its happenings.
    My daughters biggest delights come from nature everyday and so I live in awe of them experiencing this daily too.

  • Jenifer

    I completely agree with you and firsts. I kind of miss the fact that I don’t have many firsts left, but the ones that I do are the biggies (marriage and kids). But, with my nephew, Fat Elvis (his nickname via Aunt Jen), I love seeing things through his eyes. I’m glad that you and Baby Bug are getting to discover this great big world all over again.

  • Clownfish

    I like my toilet paper to come up over the top, dispensing from the front.

    But I do admit there are two reasons to have it turned around: Children and Pets. When turned around they can spin it all they want. If they spin it my way, they’ll empty the roll! hehe

  • BeachMama

    That is a wonderful way of looking at getting older. I think of kids as keeping us young, but enjoying the stuff that lays ahead is a great way to think.

    Again, more wonderful photos of Baby Bug.

  • Elizabeth

    Very well put. Isn’t it true that each thing that we have yet to experience makes the anticipation that much more exciting… Awesome shots of the dandelion. I have some that are very similar of Hunter at that age, doing the same thing!

  • Bethany

    Having kids makes it easier to get old, I think. I’m not so afraid of the future any more. I’m excited about it.

    If I ever design my own greeting cards, I am totally going to ask your permission to use that quote on a birthday or new baby card.

    I feel sorry for the “sophisticated” people who don’t like kids or who don’t let their kids affect the way they see the world. They see the rest of us as uncool, but they are missing out on so much!

  • andrea

    I’ve found that having a child has made me slow down in a very good way. I love watching him discover new things each and every day. I feel so spoiled to get to see the world through the eyes of a child all over again.

    Baby Bug is cute as ever!

  • judesmommy

    You’re so right. This is one of the unexpected pleasures I’ve discovered as I’ve been initiated into motherhood and as Jude is getting a little older. I’m watching him experience things for the first time. There’s a feeling in a mommy’s heart that can’t be described. I find I look forward to holidays and everything else more now than ever before in my life.