Beach Bits,  Bug,  Niece-com-poops

Beach Day!

Toby had to go out of town for a photo shoot, so instead of staying home all alone I called up my mom and my nieces and talked them into playing hooky from school for a day and hanging out with Baby Bug and I at the beach.

It wasn’t exactly a “beach day” but that didn’t keep us from enjoying it.

I was kind of excited for Baby Bug to wear her real swimsuit to the ocean for the first time and actually get it wet. Last year, she was too little. This year we’ve gone to the beach a lot but we usually go in the early morning or late afternoon just for a walk or a romp in the sand. We haven’t actually gone for the whole day where you need to break out the swimsuit and sun block. She loved it. She even got bowled over by a small wave. She didn’t like it too much but that didn’t stop her from wanting to go back out for more.

Of course the best fun was making sand castles. It always is.


  • coronita

    PS- What type of sunblock do you use on the “bug”…? So many choices…I am having a tough time picking one that is not to sticky, stinky, etc.

  • BeachMama

    Ahh… a day at the beach. Baby Bug is a natural beach girl, better get waxing the surfboard for her. And good for your Mom for taking a beach day break, I am sure they all had lots of fun.

  • Jessica

    The jealousy I feel at this moment after looking at your kick butt pictures…is overwhelming. I SOO wish that I lived within driving distance of water, often times a large puddle would satisfy that insatiable craving…
    Baby Bug looks so svelte in her suit… I wish I did, maybe this is why I live so far from the ocean!!

  • Jennifer

    BB is SO CUTE in her swimsuit! I love it. I need to go shopping. Emily has outgrown all of hers and I haven’t bought one for Audrey yet (last year I just put a cloth diaper cover on her).

  • OMSH

    How FABULOUS!!!!
    Seriously, Baby Bug is adorable. I love the shots where they are covered in sand and workin’ the castle. THAT is the way to go to the beach. You may be diggin’ it out of your craw for days on end, but THAT IS THE ONLY WAY to go to the beach!

  • Marissa

    Her suit reminds me of the 1920’s for some reason. I like that it ties around the back of the neck – very sophisticated! :)
    Saw your blurb about super chick; uh oh. I would wash all surfaces with rubbing alcohol (door handles, remote controls, refrigerator, toilet knob).

  • Jenifer

    Cutey McCute! (We’ve fallen into the MC’s in my house – blame it on the boyfriend, he makes fun of my McDreamy!) And, yes, sandcastles are da bomb. I think that’s a new phrase for Baby Bug, “Da Bomb!”

  • Oopsy Daisy

    What fun! That little blue swimsuit is so adorable. I think Baby Bug and her cousins are little beach bunnies. They look like they are having a fabulous time.

  • andrea

    I can’t wait for beach weather up here in the great pacific northwest. I think by mid July we might be able to hit the beach… So jealous!

    Baby bug is too cute in that suit. Looks like everyone had a wonderful time.