• BeachMama

    I remember those days. I finally grew them out, it was more painful than having bad bang days ;). At least you didn’t cut them too short, they can still be fixed.

  • lynne

    Hee hee this reminds me of the days when my sister used to cut her own fringe. She was famous for her short, ski whiff fringes in college. I remember the day I heard the agonised shout from the bathroom when she has snipped a bit too far and had this curious fringe that went around her head almost ear to ear (a few weeks before her graduation photos too).

    Actually I think you did a good job, it’s straight!

    I love the white room with the red accents behind you. Stylish!

  • Aunt Jaynette

    I am frequently reminded that the difference between a bad hair cut and a good hair cut is…..two weeks. j