Bug,  movies

1 Month Movie

It’s a movie!(2.26 mb Quicktime) Starring Baby Bug and me (as the annoying voice that talks too much and should just shut up so we can hear Baby Bug)!


  • josephine

    oh no… that was sweet as a lamb compared to badger baby… but you can see how she moves her head back and forth in exuberance, which works against her and eventually frustrates the beep out of her and THEN she turns into badger baby.

  • Becky Z

    Hi Brenda,

    I love the movie. Baby Bug is so cute. I like the little baby noises she makes. I can hardly wait for ours to get here.
    I’m feeling better today, so far. :-)

  • Lin

    I’m sure you’re quite aware of this, but BB is really quite advanced for her age! Very lively, very focused, making good sounds, responsive, etc. In other words, Miz Jo, you’re doing a great job!

  • erika

    ahhh! you got yawning and sneezing?? my uterus keeps doing flips and I was about to pass out when I got the yawn and sneeze part. Too frickin’ cute!! I luv me some Baby Bug. Gorgeous pretty girl :)

  • Karoni

    What a super cutie!!!! She is just adorable. She is beautiful; oh, I could go on and on. Good Job B and T!!!!!

  • Daisy Mae

    You know she is cute when my husband puts his book down to come over and watch the movie.

    We both got a giggle when she was sucking on her pacifier and is almost came all the way out and she sucked it back in better than any Hoover I’ve ever seen.

    And that was the sweetest little yawn/sneeze I have ever heard.

  • PJ

    Great! Now I’m insulin dependent! LOL! So SWEET!!! :-)

    I love baby sneezes! She’s so adorable – thank you, thank you for sharing!


  • margalit

    Yawning and sneezing? Oh, please, can I have her? She’s SO adorable. So strong and focussed. I think you got a smart one there! And so frigging cute. I have tears in my eyes. I love those baby yawns.

  • Kristina

    Oh my! I LOVED when she got distracted by the sound of birds and ‘had’ to stop to listen to them. Actually, although the entire thing was SO cute, I think that was my favourite part. And you are lovely with her, not dorky. :)

  • Michele

    Cheyenne and I had to watch it twice- the first time we couldn’t hear what you were saying because we were both squealing like crazy. SO, so cute!

  • Captain Mom

    Crap Ms. Spy. That just puts another ping in my heart for maybe another. And 4 seems outrageous! But alas, when you see those little arms waving around, and those little sounds…I’m a sucker…

  • aunt kathy

    What a sweetheart! I agree that she’s advanced for her age. So alert and aware. Thanks so much for sharing. And no, you are not a dork. You should have heard me on a tape that was suppose to be of my kids! You did fine. Besides it’s nice to hear your voice too.

  • Leah

    Goodness gracious! You are both little bowls of sugar! I’m so proud of you, B.

    How would you feel if Simon and I managed to swing by and see you both the next time we’re in the OC? We’ll only be in town for a few days to visit his mom in April, but I will try my darndest to get out your way if I can (and if you’ll have us).

  • Ande

    SOOOOO precious! You captured some of the sweetest things about a baby! I love those yawns & sneezes. She us so beautiful and seems so happy!

  • Jennifer Jostes Christianson

    Hi Brenda.
    Congratulations! I don’t know if you remember me or not. I was a vendor for Market Logic years ago. Since then I am also married with a 14 month old. Itis just wonderful and it does get easier (and harder at the same time). Your daughter is beautiful! I highly recomend the book, “Happiest Baby on the Block”. Turn that blow dryer on and they are fast asleep! All the best – Jen
    I got the link from Mark Hunt. We still keep in touch.

  • Christina

    Thank you so much for sharing her with all of us!
    I giggled a bit about the description. I’m in all of Hannah’s tapes saying Hi Baby.. me and MY dorky voice!

    Sooo beautiful that little one.

    Thank you again!

  • dianna

    i thought your baby was so cute and adorable. I don’t think you are a dork! so glad you captured all the cute sounds and faces. you are a great mommy! these moments are the best.

  • Texas T-bone

    I like the birds chirping in the background!

    Do you know who Clifford the Big Red Dog is? He’s a cartoon dog whose owner loved him so much he grew three stories high. I’m telling you, with as much love and attention as Baby Bug is getting, she’s gonna be huge. And it’s a wonderful thing to see, even from afar. :-)