adventures in babysitting,  Newsbreaking Hair News

Happy Valentines, Pass the Permethrin

Pass the Permethrin

My hair smells like moldy chrysanthemums. But not because I’ve been rolling around in a bed of flowers. No, I just washed my hair with lice shampoo. How romantic is that? I don’t think I have lice but I had to be sure. I baby sat the Things and they had lice. So I stopped by the drug store on the way home and joined the masses buying cheap candy and cheesy Valentine’s cards except I had a bottle of Nix with my candy. I bought myself a Score bar.

I hate to leave you with this post for the next few days (or weeks depending on how long it takes to transfer this monstrosity of a blog over to Moveable Type) but that’s all I got tonight and unfortunately I don’t know when I’ll be able to post again. Apparently blogger is so afraid of losing me as a customer that they are holding my archives ransom. I was thinking it was about time to roll those old moldy blog posts to rest anyway.

In the meantime, a humongous THANK YOU!!!! to everyone who donated money to my Send SAJ to Paris fund via the valentines and anti-valentines. I really really appreciate it. I raised $128 from those Valentines. I owe it all to you. Thank you! I hope to put that money to good use buying postcards and sending them back to you! So how much does it cost to mail a postcard from France to the US anyway?