Paris,  The Zoo

Paris by map

Paris by Map

I bought a six foot map of Paris. It’s fantastic. I taped it to the wall above my desk and I stare at it all day long. It’s taken me a while, but I’m starting to put the pieces together. I’m starting to have an idea of the adventure I will be going on. It’s going to be crazy and exciting. We are going to see so many things. I figured out where our hotel is. I’ve even emailed them to inquire about wireless internet. They don’t have it but they do offer “acces Internet in your room by the telephone connection with telephone wire. The communication are payanrest,” which sounds slow and expensive. But we will be in the middle of the super trendy (that’s what the guide books say) Le Marais district so I imagine it won’t be hard to find an internet cafe. I hope I can keep up with this blog and my addiction to the email. Hopefully the transition from blogger to MT will be done by then.

Pounce, my cat, helped me with my maps today. He felt he would get a better understanding of where things are if he took a nap right smack dab in the middle of a big map. Osmosis or something. After all, this whole Paris thing started because of a dream I had about taking Pounce and my mom to Paris.