Buddies,  Bug,  Niece-com-poops,  Tis the Season

My Little “E-ba”

zooming around like Eva

I just wanted to show you how cute her costume turned out. She wore it! Can you believe it? I’m so glad. We had some tears while we were trying to get photos taken before we headed out but I think it was more because I was in my Wall-E box and not able to pick her up if she needed me. The Wall-E box was quickly ditched and all was well.

squeezing in the tears
(Photo by Bethany)

Here she is posing with the other kids and squeezing the tears in. It’s always so hard to get Halloween photos. I’m glad we took some inside before we headed out trick-or-treating. I need to take a course on active night photography. Does Angella have any posts on that?

searching the universe...
(photo by Bethany)

Bethany got quite a few good ones. I’m so glad I invited her along!

my little "E-ba"
(photo by Bethany)

whoa! CANDY!
(photo by Bethany)

This one is my favorite.

I’d say it was a pretty good night.

p.s. I forgot to add that Eva’s hat was crocheted by none other than Jen from Jen’s Space. How thoughtless of me. It made the costume!