15 minute posts,  Apartmentlandia

Floor Mat Repair: The Neon Edition


I know what you are thinking. Has it come to this? Are you really duct-taping the floor?

Yes. Why, yes, I am. If Kate Spade can do it so can I. I’m cheap and I’m not in the market to buy a new rug for my dining room floor. The wood strips were starting to pull up from me moving my heavy Ikea dining room table around so much and I’m tired of getting splinters in my feet.  So I’m taping up this old wooden mat thing that my neighbor got out of the trash for me. We’re classy like that here in Apartmentland. Just like Kate Spade.


Neon duct tape is where it’s at.

I don’t know. It’s probably really tacky (ha! I made a joke there) and awful but you know what? I’m a single mom living in an apartment. I’ll just say it’s artistic and let my freak flag fly.

I’m thinking someday when I buy some more groovy duct tape I’ll add more stripes and eventually it will be completely covered. It will be a duct tape mat! Probably the next big thing coming to a Pinterest board near you!

Mark my words, honey! (said in my best granny voice)



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