Daiso Linens
I thought I’d blogged about Daiso before but apparently I haven’t or maybe I called it something different like “Japanese 99 cent store” which is what it really is. They are online and in Japan and now they are in California* which is really really cool for people like me. If you have one in your town you should check them out because you can find all sorts of interesting treasures for really cheap.
Like these dishtowels for a buck fifty! Aren’t they pretty? I’m on a mission to collect them all.
This works very well for me because I tend to use my dishtowels for everything (ahem, coffee messes) and they get stained so quickly. So having a lot of them really really helps and I don’t have to feel guilty ruining them because I can pick up more for very cheaply.
You’ve probably noticed I use these towels for handy backgrounds on my daily latte art shots. They sure look a lot better than dirty tile grout. :|
They also work really great as pot holders when you’re too hungry to wait for your bowl of steaming rice and poached eggs topped with Sriracha sauce to cool down. You wouldn’t know what that’s like at all. Mmmmm… the work-at-home lunch of champions.
*yes, it does worry me that the only location list of Daiso stores I can find is a recall list. Cheap is like that sometimes…
I love the Daiso store! We stumbled across one while we were vacationing in Seattle and I could have filled a suitcase with all of the treasures I “needed” if not for a husband intervention.
That store is dangerous to my credit card! I call it the dollar fifty store though – everything is a buck fifty in ours up here in the Bay Area. They have the best stuff for bento boxes too! Now, I have to go look for dishtowels….
We have Daiso here in Oz too! Everything is $2.80 and I am sooo addicted!!!! So much kawaii for so little money!!! Will have to share some of my finds too. P.S Ever thought of sewing the dishtowels together as a window curtain a’la this kinda thing? http://www.pinterest.com/pin/197102921164723878/ Would be pretty with sunlight shining through them
We don’t have a Daiso store. But they look awesome and I’d love some! lol
bethany actually
Wow, I’m behind on my blog reading. They’re called 100-yen stores in Japan. :-) And we’ve just recently discovered how delicious rice and poached or fried eggs are! YUM. Why do eggs make everything so much more delicious!?
No fair i’m in Okinawa and our Dasio does not have cute dishtowels lol I might have to look harder!
I’ve been to a Diaso store a couple of times. Reminds me of visiting my cousins when they lived in Hong Kong.
Now I feel like going to a Daiso but the closest one is in Berkeley and I’m not in the mood to drive over there. Wish they were as common as dollar stores. I know of loads of those close by.