• my books

    Come listen to my mouse voice read! (and make dancing bunny puppets!)


    I’m reading in San Juan Capistrano tomorrow and I’m so nervous. You have to come. Please come. Please come and make fun of my tiny mouse voice that nobody can hear. I’ve been having nightmares about this. I just know there are going to be a passel of rowdy kids (or no kids—even worse!) and they won’t be able to hear me. They’ll trash the store and I’ll be sputtering on about my books which are no where to be found because I can’t afford to buy my own books in order to have them in the shop to sell. Pathetic, no?  We’ll probably have them in the shop for the October and November readings but we couldn’t get them here in time for this one. That’s okay, I’ll have a handy QR code sign that people can scan with their phones. But whatever. I’m there to read. For the children!  I think I can do it.

    I had a nightmare last night that I was reading and I couldn’t read my own books because there were so many typos. Words were upside down, pages were missing. Whole sentences were where they shouldn’t be. Maybe I have a fear of public speaking?


    What I am feeling confident about is the fun coloring craft I’ve prepared. We’re going to make bunny puppets. Super easy. We’ll just color and stick googly eyes on them and then act out the bunny stories.

    Please say you’ll come!

    STORYTIME-BUNNYp.s. There is a Starbucks across from the photography studio and lots of really nice restaurants near by.


  • illos,  Tis the Season

    hot enough for you?



    It’s September and summer has finally hit. It’s funny how it’s been mild all through July and August and then BAM! It’s hotter than dog’s breath and humid too! So I thought I’d turn this late Indian Summer into my latest banner inspiration. As you know I use my banner art to create the calendars I sell every year. I wonder if it’s weird that my September months are always featuring hot summer weather when the rest of you are starting to think about leaves and crisp apples and warm hot sweaters. Not us, man. Not us…



    We are thinking about popsicles and icees and fans blowing inches from our face.

    p.s. like my gray hair? not that I look like SAJ in real life at all but…just thought I’d represent.