15 minute posts,  BIG news

Here’s a Thrilling Story

Something is missing. My computer! Hard drive failure. No laptop for 3-5 days!!! Forced vacation.

I’m typing this on my iPad and it’s so weird and small. Better than one-finger pecking on my phone but challenging none the less. So why am I doing this? Because my laptop died!! Complete and utter hard drive failure!

You’ll notice there is no computer at my desk where I work. That’s because it’s gone!! And, yes, I am going through withdrawals.

Don’t worry though, there is a somewhat happy ending to this story. Remember when you guys chastised me for not having a backup plan for my whole life/career that is stored on my laptop? (Imagine that post linked here.) Well, I listened to you! I have AppleCare and Carbonite and I think in 3-5 days I will have a new hard drive and will begin downloading all my lost work back onto my computer’s spanking new hard drive! So thank God I listened to you and that I have such kind and responsible commenters who talked sense into me!! You have saved me!!!!

It’s probably too soon to celebrate but I am optimistic that I’ll be back in business by next week. In the meantime? FORCED VACATION!!

Or maybe some sketching, mini-blind cleaning, sewing, receipt-adding-up for taxes etc…etc… I think this hiccup was just what the doctor ordered.

If you need me, call me. Though I am checking email obsessively on my phone of course. I can’t be completely unplugged.

p.s. Go back-up your hard drive.


  • Echo

    I was thinking about you earlier. I just got an iPad and I’ve been playing with all of the sketchbook-y type apps and wondered if you’d tried them. Not that they can replace Illustrator et al, but they’re fun.

  • DeeJay

    I purchased an external drive recently and backed mine up to that drive. Some days this old gal computer just acts a little…manic. Sorry to hear about your puter!

  • Jeanie

    Oh, goodness! I am so glad you had things backed up, Brenda. You have too much talent out there to lose even a drop to computer failure.

    I love the forced vacation idea. YES! You go, girl! Have some fun.

  • Cathy

    Yes, Yay for back-ups (I hear a lot of great things about Carbonite) and for forced vacations! And thanks for proving that my mom really cannot type on her iPad – you should see some of her not-meant-to-be-comedic emails! Enjoy your time off!

  • gingermog

    Phew-ee-mc-phew-ee-son. So glad you backed up. I use time machine and it did’nt work last night so I better go and sort that out. So glad there is a happy ending to this story as Ive had a couple of hard drives go up in smoke and know the strife and horror xx

  • Uncle George

    I know how you feel, the old G4 Power Mac gave out for the final time last summer. No backup. Uh oh. Thankfully I can pull the hard drive and get a dock for it. So many photos….Loving my new iMac. Glad you were smarter than me and backed up!

  • Amy

    Excuse me while I go back up my computer….

    Thank goodness YOU did. Losing my info would not be terribly devastating but for you? I would imagine catastrophic!