Alpha+Mom post,  Bug

Happy Little Leprechaun

Leprechaun hat: check!

Bug is a huge fan of St. Patrick’s Day. I think it’s the remainders of her love for the color green. She might say she’s into indigo or turquoise or ultra-marine peacock…but I think she still holds a very big soft spot for the color green.


So of course we had to make a great big Leprechaun House for our March Alpha+Mom project!

Our list to do today

The leprechaun headband hat thingy was a really big deal. It may have been number six on our things-to-do list but she talked about it nonstop for days. Normally, I wouldn’t give such a cheap tacky headband a second thought but I have a kid who loves headbands and she will actually wear it day in and day out for years to come. She’s such a nut.

Leprechaun outfit #2 via Mexico


  • Melissa K. in Nebraska

    I love the visual to-do-list. Would totally make chores easier for little ones to follow through on with maybe a check off box. Make bed, brush teeth, pick up 47 toys… Neat!

  • chelsie

    Still the little girl in green! I love the last photo… and the to-do list. My favorite holiday too!

  • Ninabi

    She is so adorable, SAJ!

    St. Patrick’s Day was one of our favorite holidays. “Leper-cons” (as my little boy called them) left gold coins (pennies spray painted) all over the house. The children woke up to pranks done by the little people- all the shoes in the house piled up in a strange spot, breakfast milk colored green.

    I think it was because it was a holiday with little expectations attached to it that made it such a treasure- anything I did as a mom made the day special, including corned beef and cabbage for dinner.

    I always enjoy your blog! Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you and your wee lassie!

  • Cathy

    It’s amazing the stuff we buy for our kidlets, but that headband hat is not only Bug-fun, it’s a great prop that even made it into your cute banner! Totally worth it.

  • Kuky

    Ahhhh the new banner modeled by Bug! I thought it was random. Hee hee!

    And I love your cardboard creations. Do you have a flickr set for them all?