15 minute posts

SAJ Calendar in the Works


Is anybody else out there jonesing for the SAJ 2012 calendar? I know I am. There’s been a noticeable blank spot on my fridge and I keep looking over at it thinking of all the things I need to jot down in January and it’s not there!! How inconvenient! Of course I have my online google calendar that helps me keep things straight but I NEED my fridge calendar too!

I don’t have all of 2012 done yet. I’m very behind as usual. But I should finish it sometime this week. Cross your fingers and your eyes! So if you need January, just to get you through, here it is! Happy Printing! You know the routine: let me know if I made any typos etc. etc…



  • MichelleE

    Thanks so much SAJ! I have been “jonesing” for a new calendar and this fits the bill. Can’t wait for the rest of the months. Thanks for being so generous with your talent!

  • Kim S

    Wonderful! I’ve actually used your calendars for the past 2 years. I put them up on my fridge. Can’t wait until this year’s :)

  • Teri

    PS – since you asked about typos…the dates for the last week are aligned on the wrong side of the boxes. I love the reading snowman at the top!

  • gingermog

    Yes please, i would love to buy one of your calenders . I bought a book of yours for my Kindle. It got lost on the way. I’ve investing into this… I think we set it up wrong. Not to worry though I’ll figure it out. Much love and hugs xxx