• Eye Spy

    secret agent pillow!


    “Interested in some clandestine activities? Spice up your previously innocuous couch with a “secret agent” pillow and let no conversation lack that bit of spy-like flair!”

    This totally cracks me up. Someday, when I have a couch. I might have to buy one.

  • Buddies,  my books,  SAJ's Stealthy Book Tour

    Book Tour Day 23: The Letter V!

    V is for Vacuum

    Now this is a bit of a stretch because this blog does not start with a V at all and it really has nothing to do with the letter V. But there is a small tie-in!

    A long time ago, way before I had a kid to chase around and feed and drive to school and such…I used to participate in the Illustration Friday’s weekly illustration challenges. It was really great. I loved it. Every week they have a word and you can illustrate it any way you want. This is a great way to see what other illustrators are doing and exercise your brain.


    The vacuum illustration you see above was for the word “regal.” Because the vacuum we had at the time was a Regal or Royal something or other brand. I called him Sir Sucks-A-Lot. What? You don’t name your vacuum? You should! It’s fun. I think all household appliances should have names.

    So there you have it! Go check out Illustration Friday’s blog page to win the V print, and stay for a while to get to know IF’s founder, one of my favorite artists of all time. I’m honored to be on her site.