• 15 minute posts

    Calling all copy-editors!

    SAJ 2012 Calendar (rough draft) is ready!

    AT LAST! (sing that in your best bellowing Etta James voice) The 2012 SAJ Calendar is ready to be proofed! You know the deal. You get to download it for free if you don’t mind the typos. If you find some, email me (or better yet leave your corrections in the comments so I don’t get a zillion of the same email) and let me know. Then when it’s all fixed up and perfect (well, as perfect as it’s gonna get) I’ll put it up in my etsy shop for a few bucks. I figure that’s all it’s worth since it’s recycled banner art. Someday I gotta make a proper calendar with fresh art. Maybe next year.

    In other house-keeping business, there will not be a book tour post tomorrow. It’s going to run on Saturday. In fact the rest of the tour might be off by one day. Wanna know why? Because I made my own calendar and left off a day. Thus my call for copy editors! However Saturday’s poster promises me it will be worth the wait. I’m so excited. It’s one of my favorite people from one of my favorite places! Can you guess?