• Andi

    I LOVE it, I am a morning person and I thrive on the quietness of the world as everyone else still sleeps. I arrive in the office at 7:00 – everyone else between 8:30-9:30, so I get close to 2 hours of total peace and quiet to get stuff done.

  • Lizard Breath

    what’s that saying…”I love mornings, I just wish they came later in the day!”

    I’m *SO* not a morning person. But my wonderful husband will make sure we get up & out, and get what needs to be taken care of finished.

    The best days are the ones to wake up slowly, enjoy a cup of coffee in bed, play with the puppy, and watch DVR’d TV. Long, lazy mornings are great!

  • Jill

    I love mornings. It’s the only time of day when I can do exactly what I want, when I want. I wake up at 5 am, work out or run, play on the computer for a bit and then get ready for work. Mornings are never long enough for me.

  • erica

    i adore mornings…it’s probably the best time for my husband and i to catch up! he gets up at 430am to run – i start coffee and play on the computer – he comes home and we have a cup together and chat.

  • Sarah

    I was NEVER a morning person until I had kids. I’ll get up at 6am just so I can have some alone time with my coffee before the day really starts.

  • Ange

    Brenda, you’ve inspired me! Halloween is my favorite time of year. I have the best decorations on my block and all the kids come here for a good scare. I think this year, while my teenager is having his Halloween party, I’m going to build myself an adult version of that house, hide inside, and pop out when all the kids come for candy. “Are you trying to eat my gingerbread house? I’m going to pop you in my oven. BWAHAHAHA!”