Super Deluxe Dish Rack of Happiness
I bought a new dish rack yesterday and it made me extremely happy. I can only attribute my bizarre joy over such a mundane ordinary household object to the fact that I’ve been feeling low-level crappy for a long time and buying something new just for me made me feel really special and cared for. It’s funny how you can train yourself to do without and do without and then when you finally give in and buy that thing you wanted for so long it seems like the best THING ever.
I’ve needed a new dish rack for over a year but have been putting up with the old moldy one because I told myself that if I really needed a new one I could just pull out a towel and hand dry them myself. Except I hate hand drying dishes! I hate it with a passion. I will stack and balance a mountain of wet dishes so high it causes avalanches of broken dishes before I break out a towel to dry them by hand. I don’t know why I am this way but I am.
I could probably write a novel on the nuances of why this dish rack makes me happy and what is going on in my life but my fifteen minute window of blogging is over. Maybe I’ll touch on those deeper issues another day.
i love joan
Now that my mom has a dvr in her new studio apt., I’m catching up on all those episodes of Mad Men that I miss when I fall into bed exhausted at 8 o’clock on Sunday nights. I have to say I love Joan the best. So I was very happy when I spied her in a London Fog photo shoot. She almost makes me wish I had a trench coat. But that would just be silly.