B reviews,  Buddies,  Family Matters,  the sticks

Movies for all

movie viewing crew

Yesterday we went to see Julie & Julia (which I’ve been looking forward to seeing for quite a while now) and my Grandma came too! How cool is it that? My Grandma is a blogger, she’s old enough to appreciate Julia Child in her day and she likes to go to movies with her granddaughter and friends. I think we might have to make a tradition out of it if there are enough suitable movies to see.

I was a little worried since I read the book and I knew there would be some f-bombs dropped and some sex scenes alluded to. Not exactly the tea party you would take most grandmothers to but my Grandma took it in stride. I guess she’s wise and has probably seen way worse things in her life. I looked over at her often during the movie and she was chuckling along with the rest of the audience. My Grandma is just plain cool.

But the funny thing was, when we showed up for the movie there was a line around the building. It wasn’t opening night or anything. It was a Thursday, in the middle of the day, in the STICKS! So what was so special? I’m still not sure but it had something to do with seniors. When we got inside, the theatre was packed and everyone had white hair. There were elderly people with canes and walkers and oxygen tanks. I guess it was Senior Day at the theatre. I had no idea there was such a thing. I thought we’d have the theatre to ourselves. It was all fine other than the fact that we had to sit in the front because we got there late (which was not really late at all but I guess seniors on more on top of the early bird deals than we are). In fact, I sort of liked the running commentary from the retired couple beside us.

It was a great movie for all ages. Well, except the eleven-and-under crowd. But we had a plan for them. While Bethany, CC, my grandma and I ducked into Julie & Julia, my nieces, Bug and Annalie got to go see G-Force with my mom. I’m so glad my mom likes those kiddie movies because I do not one bit. I just can’t get into movies with real life animals talking. I think Space Buddies killed it for me.

So that was that: a fun day for everyone. I should probably share about the little melt down that Bug had in the bathroom at the theatre while my mom was watching her…but just thinking about it makes me tired. I think I’ll save that for a post all on it’s own. Bethany actually wrote a post about Bug and her meltdowns regarding the bathroom for me a while back and it’s sitting in my drafts waiting to be posted. So you have that to look forward.

In the meantime, go see Julie and Julia. It was great!


  • Aunt Jaynette

    I went Saturday morning at 10:30. My local theatre has the best price on the first show of the day. At 51 I was the youngest in the audience. It was so nice to be in a crowd that didn’t talk, just enjoyed the show.

    Then I went straight to B&N and bought her biography. I bought the big hard back Mastering the Art of French Cooking for my birthday…good thing because it was the only present that I got. And this week I purchased My life in France.

    Now I need to find the energy and gumption to cook for real.

  • Sonja

    *sigh* Going to the movies is one thing I really, really miss. I do have to figure out this babysitting situation!
    I used to have a standing Tuesday movie date with my MIL, her sister, and their mom. Those were the days!

  • Kuky

    Wow your grandmother blogs?! That is so awesome.

    And a grown up movie? Mmmmm maybe when it comes out on video. We only watch kiddie movies in the theater now.

  • Katie

    OH MY GOSH!!! would I love to DESTROY the space buddies dvd (and the air buddies and the space buddies – I wish I was lying)!!!

    I uh.. what I ment to say was I’m glad to hear you all had a good time.

    on the other note – my son (he’ll be 4 in feb) has meltdowns about using public bathrooms that are HORRIBLE. He will scream like I’m beating him before we even get into a stall and it’s a huge fight just to get him to pee. The worst ever was when he pooped all over himself, his clothes, me and the bathroom stall in a mcdonalds my lunch break one day when they came to visit me. I feel your pain. .. Then there was the time he pee’d all over the family bathroom at the mall because he’d been holding it all day and refused to go…. I used up every single paper towel in the dispenser (and it seemed to be full when I started).. He isn’t nearly as bad now (though it is still a fight) because one day I was determined to get him to use the bathroom. We had just gotten our food at a very nice steak house when he started crying how he wanted to go home (our cue that he had to poo) and I missed out on my nice yummy *hot* steak to take him. We spent a half hour in the potty, then another half hour after I gave up and went to eat my food and we went back, then 15 minutes in the book store followed by 30 minutes in the book store where he finally pooped. That experience finally showed me what it is he needs to know and showed him how relentless his mommie is when he needs to go. I hope that it all gets easier for you and soon. Just know you aren’t alone. :)

  • Jummy

    I’m looking forward to seeing Julie and Julia with my sister. I’m glad you enjoyed it and that grandma did too (she looks great by the way!).

  • beyond

    just saw julie and julia last night and thought it was quite wonderful. i love meryl and wish she had a little more screen time. (do not go and see this movie on an empty stomach!)

  • kedge

    Thanks for that, Jo. Gramma had a nice afternoon and she was pleasantly tired last night. She enjoyed being with all of you so much, in fact; CC has plans to make it a monthly excursion for her, It would certainly give her a pick-me-up!

  • Gramma

    Would you believe it? I even broke out our copy of “Mastering the Art of French Cooking” last night. (A gift to Freckles from Ladybug) who said i(at th e time) it was NOT her style). Anyway, I found lots and lots of recipes for “supremes” you know, chicken breasts all dressed up. But, nothing for legs and thighs unless the rest of the bird was hooked on. And, nowadays who even has time to put together quenelles? In the not too distant past, Freckles did create “Supremes de Volaille a l’Ecossaise” which we did thoroughly enjoy. NOW I just must work more chicken breasts in my weekly jaunt to the supermarket.

  • Gramma

    I must amend my comment. There are a few recipes for cut-up chicken used in Coq au vin and other casseroles.

  • Clownfish

    Hey, the Clownfish took his wife to see J&J and we both totally enjoyed it! Even though it has that chick-flik feel, I believe any Foodie will enjoy.

    I knew it had your name all over it B. Cooking, blogging, France…come’on, you popped into my mind like a lightbulb over a cartoon figure getting an idea!

  • Lady in a Smalltown

    I just saw your fbomb tweet while I was reading this post. Just as I got to the line about the fbomb being in the movie. I thought, well of course she said it she just saw it in a movie. Glad to see she wasn’t at the movie. Did she learn the word from your grandma? (Just kidding.) I look forward to seeing it. The ads look so cute.