guest posters

What it means to be ComfortablyCrazy

Haute Maternity

This post is from my sister-in-law, CC, from Comfortably Crazy. Thank you, CC!

The house is clean—well, mostly—the kids are in bed, and I’m not completely dog-tired.

Instead of working on my aprons, knitting, or reading one of the many books I’m halfway through, I sit here writing this in my journal (because I don’t feel like typing right now), and listening-to-but-not-really-watching the fourth Harry Potter movie yet again.

I know for many people, especially parents, that by the time you have time to do something, you don’t wanna. I hate that. I hate not having the energy to get things done. Having 501 unfinished projects from switching rooms (we do that a lot in our family) to doing my nails.

If you know me, you’re probably sitting in your chair reading this, nodding your head. I am probably the most organized messy person you would ever meet. On any given day if you dropped by my house, you’re guaranteed to find dirty laundry on the floor, possibly in the kitchen; dirty dishes in the sink; stacks of mail to file, or shove in a box or bag; piles of books to read; a jumble of shoes by the piano; and two kids either getting ready to kill each other or getting along reasonably well, depending on the phases of the moon. If you looked at my desk it would likely be covered with a myriad of crap. This is how I live.

Now, please don’t be afraid to stop by for a visit. With just an hour’s notice (or two, pretty please?) I can pull off a small miracle of cleaning and straightening. So just let me know if you’d like to come by sometime, okay?

I know you’re wondering where the “organized” part comes in, so I’ll tell you. If you were to walk into my kids’ rooms you’d see labels on the dressers along with bins for blocks, dolls, balls, dress-up clothes, shoes and various other toys. This is a good and bad thing. Kids like to just put stuff away; I like to put stuff away right. Most times my idea of right and their idea of right are nowhere in the same galaxy.

If you were to look on my computer you’d find documents listing my CDs and DVDs. You can browse CDs by title, genre, or artist; DVDs by genre or title, kid-safe or adult. (I mean “adult” as in Terminator or Resident Evil, not “adult” as in “ducking into a dark alley and buying something I wouldn’t want my neighbors to know about.”) They are all listed and shelved alphabetically. The CDs are numbered and coordinate with the numbers on the player.

At this point, you’re probably wondering why, if I can keep my kids’ rooms, CDs, and DVDs so organized, I cannot keep my entire house this way. It’s pretty simple really. I get distracted, I get sick, or I just plain get lazy.

I do enjoy having a clean house, but honestly, sometimes it stresses me out. Having a perfectly clean house is not comfortable. I’d much prefer to have things tidy than perfect. I’d rather have someone be comfortable with their kid dumping one (or five) bins of blocks on the floor than have them worrying about their kid making a mess.

I know people can have perfectly-kept houses and be happy. I’m just not one of them. I’ve heard of FlyLady, and I’m really not interested. I have to be accountable to me and only me. In that way I am selfish.

That’s how I’m trying to live my life, too. I’m trying to downsize and get rid of things we don’t need. Sometimes this means getting rid of stuff I do not want or need, even if I’ve had it less than a year or it was a birthday or wedding gift. Sometimes, this means buying something newer to make things fit better. There are things I will not get rid of, like my Barbies, my kids’ outgrown clothes, the porta-crib, and the two highchairs. But that’s my choice.

I think I’m finally at a point in my life where I’m comfortable with who I am. I may be overweight, but my kids and husband actually seem to like me this way. I could get down to 136 and be happy. I’d be happier at 126, or even better, 120. So why don’t I lose the weight? Because I know how to dress my body.

At 5’1″ and 156 pounds, I wear a size 14 Short Levis. I wear a large or extra-large maternity shirt. Yes, I just said I wear maternity shirts though I am not pregnant and will never be pregnant again without medical intervention or a miracle.

I’ve been saying for the last year that I should go to Motherhood Maternity to buy my shirts but never did it. Buying the first maternity shirt was accidental. I picked a shirt up at Ross that was just stuck in with the pants. It was cute, so I tried it on and fell in love. Only after buying it and wearing it did I look at the tag to see the label: Haute Maternity.

Now I’m convinced. I will do my shirt shopping in the maternity section, and when they ask when I’m due, I’ll smile sweetly and say, “November 2002.”

If you would like to guest post on this website, please email me (SAJ). I will be posting guest posts from now until September 15th.



    Hey CC! You could have an alias “Comfortably Lazy”. I like that. I can so relate. I have spredsheets for everything but my floor is covered by wooden blocks and stuffed animals as we speak. It drives my mother crazy, who’s a neat freak and comes over once a week to watch my DD. She said she couldn’t walk with all the toys on the floor, I just walk AROUND them, LOL. But I let go of the stress of always having to have clean/ clutter free house. And that’s pretty funny about maternity shirts, I wear 1X and they often look like maternity shirts on me, lol!

  • Kaili

    My Mom buys maternity shirts from Motherhood maternity. Her “baby” is 22!! She loves them, says they are WAY more comfortable, and for her that’s #1.
    I love how open you are about you! So awesome hear a woman being that way! SO awesome for your daughters!

  • amy

    yr so awesome. I just adore you! Laughing about the mat clothes bc I cannot let go of a particular maternity shirt. I love it and wear it all the time in the winter! Hell, I may even wear some of my maternity dresses this year bc the style is the same in reg department! xo

  • Christina in MO

    hey CC.. just wanted to let you know..
    I wore my maternity overall shorts for two years after my daughter arrived. She was born in December.. and I just didn’t think I got my value out of them. So.. I wore them until they fell apart! lol..
    Your a kick made me smile today.. and I needed that~

  • ame i.

    heh, that’s kinda funny because I have a couple of blouses I don’t wear much any more because they LOOK like maternity blouses (see that 1 inch band of elastic right under the boobage?) and like hell I’m gonna walk around looking pregnant when I’m not. If I’m going to look it, I want to BE it.
    Sometimes, some folks just need to say da hell with that Body Mass Index chart. For me, though, at 5’6″, if that scale goes creeping anywhere near 150, I will climb those dreaded 14 stairs and hop on the home gym. No, I don’t enjoy it, and I swear alot, but we should all feel comfortable in our own skin.

  • Jamie W.

    Amen, sister…I was just looking in the maternity section at Target the other day because anything that is fitted in the stomach area has the neighbor kids asking me if I’m having ANOTHER baby…and here I was so proud of myself for just losing 8 lbs.

    Our house also has the “lived in” look. Why clean up when it is just going to get messed up 15 more times before bed? I’d rather save my energy.

  • One Scrappy Gal

    I’m glad I’m not the only one that still loves wearing maternity shirts. I’m 4″11 and 150 lbs, my youngest is 5 months old. I love the way those shirts hide my bulges but still look great!! I’ll be wearing them until at 3 kids are well into their teens! :)