Beach Bits,  Buddies,  The Hood

SAJ’s side of the Great Metal Detector Story

How can I possibly top Whoorl’s story? This morning I was busting at the seams to tell all about our fun adventure with the metal detectors… but then Whoorl went and made it a three part series with suspense and plot twists and sad parts that actually brought her readers to tears! Phooey! I can’t beat that.

I’ll just boggle you with the cuteness that is Baby Bug… and Wito instead! I’d post more pictures of Wito but I shared all my photos with Whoorl and I think she’s going to post all the cute collander pictures tomorrow. They are SO CUTE! Have you seen Wito’s toes?

When Wito and Baby Bug sit together, I suddenly start worrying about the size of Baby Bug’s head. She’s so little compared to him! And her head! Well, it’s big enough to house her giant brain, I guess. Poor kid. One of these days she’ll grow into her head.

So you wanna hear about the sunburn. I should have taken pictures but today was a day. As in A Day. As in it ran me over and spit me out so fast I couldn’t even pick up the camera. So I have no pictures. But believe me, the sunburn is stinging this very minute. I think my skin cells are rioting. The cells on my left shoulder are planning on looting the skin cells on the right and the cells on my forehead are throwing tomatoes. It’s just craziness. I might start molting soon.

What was I thinking going down to the beach without any sun block? Well, I wasn’t thinking obviously. I tan really easily. I’m olive skinned with a sixteenth of Native American thrown in. I rarely bother with sun block. I know this is terrible but I hate stuff on my skin. Lotion makes my skin feel like it’s trying to breath through a ziplock bag. I’m weird. I don’t wear make up (Not even lip gloss! And Whoorl is still my friend!). I do put lotion on my legs and feet but no where else. Can’t stand the stuff.

This is usually not a problem because I never go out in the sun to specifically “bake”. I take my walks in early morning or late afternoon. I think I’ve been sunburned maybe about five times in my whole entire life. So I figured a quick jaunt to the beach with Whoorl for maybe an hour or two would be fine. Just some chatting and a little fun in the sun for the beach babes. Not SIX hours with lots of trips back and forth up and down the hill. But you do what you gotta do right?

A girlfriend has to look out for her friend’s best interests. And if that means combing the sand with your fingers, looking for a shiny ring, then that’s what you do. And when your girlfriend pulls herself up by her bootstraps, wipes off the tears from her dry chapped cheeks and tells you she’s going to buy a metal detector and it’s going to be fun, then you better smile from ear to ear and make it the best adventure ever.

I know you are all sick of the lovey-dovey I-have-the-best-mom-friend-in-the-world business but I’m so proud of Whoorl. When somebody makes the best out of a situation like that and you find yourselves actually laughing and enjoying yourself, then you know you’re hanging out with someone with character. It really is true that you can tell a lot about a person by how they react under stress.

I’m only bummed that she found the silly ring in the first ten minutes she started looking for it. I missed the great find and the victory dance that followed. I almost wanted her to throw it in the sand again so we could find it again.


  • Jennifer

    I’m so glad that it all ended well. Poor Whoorl and her lost ring :( I agree, it’s under pressure that you find what your friends are really made of. This whole event made me think of my favorite show, I Love Lucy, haha.

    The kids are adorable. Wito and his sausage toes, awww. My Audrey is a bit of a teeny tot (we like to call her Mighty Mite) so it’s always fun to see a baby similar to her in BB :)

  • familymclean

    I know what ‘Those days’ are like! I nearly had a melt down today. Just remember to keep it in perspective. (I just learned this today) These little people we get to raise are on an adventure, just starting out in this wild and crazy world, and we get to help and lead and influence them, and they want to be like us!(totaly wacked)
    I think God made babies cute so we couldn’t help loving them no matter what!

    I am actually a little envious of your sunburn, what I wouldn’t give to have a day at the beach…today, ahhh, and an adventure to go along, mind you I think I woukd freak if I had to go through what Whoorl did, she is one strong chick!

  • nila

    You’re so lucky to have found a friend like Whoorl. You’re right, those stressful moments often times test a friendship. You guys are fool proof.

  • BeachMama

    It is so awesome that you and Whoorl made the best out of a stressful and tearful situation. I wouldn’t have given up either, heck, I don’t give up when I can’t find a Lego peice!

    I can feel the heat radiating off of you from here. Just seeing you guys having a beach day makes me feel the sun and smell the cocoa butter from here.

    Have you tried Clinique sunblock? I too dislike sunblock, but I find it absorbs really well and you only have to apply it once, no matter how many times you go in the water. I have been using it for years and have yet to get a burn when I wear it. And because I am pure white pasty skin, I cannot go to the beach without it :).

  • Bethany

    Baby Bug’s head is not too big for her body! :-) She’s perfect.

    Motrin and cool showers for the sunburn. Feel better!

  • Nicole Iwawaki

    Hi Brenda, This is a blast from your past…way back…I use to be Nicole Bateman from Canada but now am married to John Iwawaki in the SF bay area. I have a vivid memory of hanging out with you at the Banff Springs Hotel about 15 years ago. I saw Keren a few weeks ago and she told me of your very clever website. So wonderful. I have been lurking for a few weeks so I thought I’d drop you a comment. You have such a great life! Baby Bug is adorable.

  • Marissa

    Sunburn remedy: white vinegar. I had gone to Hawaii and on my first day out got a major burn on my back. I got a bottle from the hotel and poured it on, and ZING! the sting was gone! It’s a miracle home-remedy. Try it ASAP!

  • OMSH

    I “get” what you are saying about topicals on your skin. It is WHY I can’t wear foundation, but don’t feel the same about powder or lip gloss. Lip gloss is just messy. I like lip balm though – thinking about getting me some of this chicken poop lip balm.

  • Andrea

    Yay for mommy friends! They are the best. BB couldn’t be any cuter in that pink swimsuit and I love Wito’s toesies in the sand…so sweet!

  • Maya

    I said this to Whoorl already, but…It bears repeating: As such good parents, I think you owe it to yourselves to bethroth BB and Wito – they are so. darn. cute…and they love each other, clearly. That way you could be mom friends and in-laws…some day. Hee.
    I kid, I kid. Sorry to hear of your lobstering – I don’t burn *ever* (once in Oz, a couple of deep tans, but no real burns) but am religious w. sunblock for anti-wrinkle purposes. Have you tried the spray-on stuff? My husband hates creams/lotions as well but I’ve found the spray on kind works wonders.

  • Jenifer

    I love reading blogs by both of you! So, I did send you some more fun on your star bucks car. I hope that you get some Aloe Vera lotion for the burn.