
Saucer Monster

My baby doesn’t make sweet “aaaa-boooh” sounds anymore. She grunts. She grunts and grunts and grunts and grunts. You’d think she was having the bowel movement of all bowel movements, but she’s not. She’s just grunting. It’s her favorite noise. She likes to stand up (assisted by mom or in the exersaucer) and furrow her eyebrows and scowl at the floor. Then she growls out this grunting sound as if to say, “Bow down to me, carpet mites. I am the great Baby.” Or maybe she’s trying to bend forks with her willpower. I don’t know.

If you’re wondering why I post so many pictures of Baby Bug in the exersaucer… it is because we have entered the “age of the exersaucer”. Yes, I know vowed never to let brightly colored baby crap enter my house. Yes, I know I said I’d keep the saucer confined to a corner in my room. Yes, I know that I am a parent now and I’m going to eat every last word I ever said as a non-parent. The exersaucer is my hero. Baby Bug loves the exersaucer. I love the exersaucer. The end.


  • pinky

    Now I know why I know about those maryjane socks! I must have seen them in a photo of baby bug!

    (a friend was talking about wanting to put shoes on her baby for a special occasion, and the spouse wasn’t going for the idea. I suggested the maryjane socks, and she bought some!)

    I LOVE those socks. they make tights with ballerina slippers on them, too!

    (if there was a store near me that sold them, I would buy them for every girl baby I know)

  • Jennifer

    This is only the beginning of brightly colored baby crap. Our corner of baby toys in the livingroom is starting to expand. Trying to figure out how to contain it. Coos are being replaced with squawking over here. I love all the pics of Baby Bug in exersaucer. I have to track down my monkey’s saucer, can’t remember where we stored it.

  • Lu

    The exercauser if off the hook. One of the most amazing adventures. You put them in it, they are happy, you are happy. You are both so…happy. It is a beautiful thing. Beautiful thing.

  • pinky

    ps – it was exactly one year ago that you spilled the beans here about being pregnant. can you believe it?!

    (I loved that cat out of the bag illustration – I had to go hunt up when you posted it!)

  • Marissa

    Well, just wait until you’ve entered the Bath Toy stage! You’ll literally be swimming in the colorful toys then.

  • Liane

    I know, that baby stuff has a life of it’s own and is just so depressingly UGLY but it works! We have that same exercauser I picked up second hand…the stuff multiplies.

  • h

    she looks great in it too – no flopping forward or hunched over business.
    she is developing so well!!

  • Xangelle

    The Exersaucer was a God-send in my house. I actually cried when my 3rd child broke the thing. Fortunately, he was getting too big, and wasn’t really going to need it for very much longer. We survived, but barely!

  • BeachMama

    We had the same excersaucer, it was a life saver. It allowed me to cook, vacuum and do all the fun stuff I was letting go :) I was sad the day I realized that “J” was just too big for it. Have fun, it is so worth the bright colours.

  • Kristin

    The exersaucer was my first eating of crow, also.

    I think Baby Bug looks like Toby, in a cute little girl way. (Sounds insane) But do you know what I mean?

  • andrea

    Ha! That made me laugh, and realize that I am not alone….My 4 month old makes these piercing pterodactyl noises!! It sounds like she is in pain, so I turn around to see what she is doing in her exersaucer and she is happily squawking at the wall with bright eyes! I actually think she thinks she is talking………

  • AmyinBC

    My daughters loved the saucer.. Heck if they are entertained and exercising to boot no harm done for mom to steal a few minutes to herself I say. She looks a lot like you :)

  • Jenn

    I am trying to make it a point as I get older to never say that my kids will never do anything because I know that when an actual kid comes a long, it all changes!

  • Jamie

    Both my girls loves the saucer monster, too! ;) I think if you use it in moderation it is a wonderful thing that allows you to get some stuff done while your baby is having a blast. It’s a win-win!

  • Auntie Keren

    You had me laughing out loud! Maybe she’ll grow up to be an orchestra contuctor or a basketball coach…or a politician.

  • Brom

    …and, soon, the exersaucer, like the beloved boo-boo bunny before it and the retianer to come, will be forgotten. It’s sad and wonderful how quicklly those precious and ubiquitous items get shoved to the back of the closet and then into the front yard for the rummage sale …

    Great blog! Thanks!


  • KJ

    Our exersaucer will be out for its third round in the kitchen here in about three months…bless the thing.
    Five years into parenthood and the toys are OUT OF CONTROL. I kept buying them when my younges was a toddler, until I suddenly realized, I wasn’t trying to buy a toy, I was trying to buy time. TIme when he would do something, anything, that didn’t involve me.

    Didn’t work.