Family Matters,  Niece-com-poops

Adventure with the Niececompoops

Who me? Spoil my nieces? Naaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

My mom and I and the niececompoops went to Starbucks yesterday. We felt like a drive and drove all the way to Temecula from Hemet. We wanted to sit and talk and we figured out that it’s a lot easier to talk while the kids are strapped into their car seats and one is lulled to sleep than when they are running around like wild Indians in the yard. Of course Rapunzel thought the drive was very dull and did not agree. What else is new? She’s seven.

The thing about Starbucks yesterday, was that they were giving out little itty bitty samples of java chip ice cream. The containers were so small and cute I couldn’t resist letting my nieces devour one between them. The problem with that was they also packed a punch of caffeine and we payed and payed and payed for that mistake the rest of the day. Kids plus caffeine equals not a good idea.

When we got home, the kids played in the mud. It’s the only thing that keeps them occupied for more than 20 minutes at a time. Rapunzel didn’t really listen when my mom said NOT to give her little sister a mud facial on her back (a backial?). You may remember another time this happened. I guess the fond memories and pictures were the encouragement Rapunzel needed to disobey. So poor Rapunzel got sent straight to the bathtub and that might account for her story here.