• Family Matters,  Niece-com-poops

    Buy My Brother’s House!

    Buy My Brother’s House!

    My brother and sister-in-law put their house up for sale yesterday. They’ve been cleaning and painting and generally upgrading the place since I was just there in May. My mom is babysitting their wild Tasmanian devil kids so they could really get down to business of fixing their place up and yesterday when I looked at the virtual tour I was knocked down-drag-out amazed. It looks AWESOME!!! (Click on the Next arrow at right to skip from room to room) I hope it sells this weekend. I wish I had some before pictures so you could see what they did. Here’s a hint. You couldn’t really see the floor before.

    Sure, I’d love to see a fluffy white shag rug and maybe some groovy IKEA lamps instead of their CostCo special entertainment center and a bazillion cords connected to their little pc computer work station but from what it used to be, this is stellar. They could have cleaned the fish tank but my sister-in-law said they weren’t entirely ready when the realator came out to take the pictures. In spite of the fish tank, they really have made it look 100 times better. It looks amazing.

    In fact I hope you buy it! If there is anybody who lives in the Chicago area and knows what a cute quaint little town St. Charles is and you’re not really looking for the big country farm yet, my brother’s house is a steal! It’s really a bachelor pad. It wasn’t really meant to house a family of four but my brother made do. Plus, it comes with the magical fairy room that I painted! I love the virtual tour because you can actually see it. I’m totally having second thoughts about the neon lime green bed but well, that was then, this is now. I’ll blame it on my niece. She picked the color. Wait. No, I picked it. Well, anyway I had a moment of temporary insanity.

    Isn’t it cool? Wouldn’t a bachelor love to entertain his lady friends in the fairy room with the nifty loft bed?! There’s even room to play with the little girl kitchen center below. They could really cook up some good times I tell you.

    The sooner they sell their house, the sooner they can truck out to California and rescue my mom who is at her wit’s end trying to keep a house clean with a seven-year-old and a two-year-old running around.

    Please buy my brother’s house. Did you see his backyard?!! I mean the vacant lot that is next to it that makes it look like he lives way way out in the country? It’s lovely! It’s owned by the city or a utility company so they come and mow it frequently and I don’t think they have any plans soon to develop it. It’s a great lot to play in. That’s where my nieces and I built snow men!

    I’m going to miss that place but it will be great to have my whole family back in one state again.