• Family Matters,  Niece-com-poops,  place holder posts,  Slow Living

    Bean Time


    I’m popping in to say I’ve been a little busy! My niece Amber, aka Rapunzel, has been staying with us, and her little girl, “Bean” is taking up all my time. I say that in the best way BECAUSESHE’SSOOOOOOOCUTE!!!!! but I’d be lying if I didn’t also mention that it’s making it hard to stick to a work schedule, which I desperately need to do to keep us all afloat.

    So this post will be about Bean time. We’re going to call her Bean. Not because we’re worried about her privacy so much but because we’ve learned it can be kind of a drag to grow up and suddenly have all your friends in high school google you and find a zillion blog posts about you. Will that be a thing still in the future? Who knows. Maybe it will be clout. Could go either way.

    Anway let’s talk about Bean!!


    She is two and absolutely adorable. I’ve been missing little Bug for so long and now it’s like I get to do little Bug things all over again. Storytime!


    Mall time! And falling asleep in the stroller time before we got a regular nap routine down…


    Lots and lots and lots of pool time. I am so glad my apartment complex has a really nice pool because this kid is a water bug! She loves the water so much and will just throw herself into it without any fear. We are quickly trying to teach her how to swim because if we don’t keep hawk eyes on her she is in there splashing around. Maybe she’ll be a swimmer when she grows up. If you say anything near the word “pool” or “water” at any time of the day she’s off looking for her bathing suit and trying to walk out the door. It is a concern. But I’m happy to say she’s getting pretty close. She already likes to dunk her head and knows how to hold her breath. We’re just trying to teach her how to float now.


    Of course, we’ve had lots of cardboard forts and naptime crashes.


    And eating…it’s fun to have a big family again to sit down at the table and really enjoy time together. This kid can eat.


    Rapunzel time! I am so glad to be connecting with Rapunzel. Lots of years have gone by when I haven’t been able to be there for her in the way I wanted to be so I’m trying my best to make it up to her. Since she’ll be here a while we are both trying to create routines and quiet time so that we can stay on best of terms for however long this living arrangement lasts. She’s trying desperately to save up enough money to move out to Iowa with her husband but hard times are hitting everyone and even though he’s found steady work, they haven’t been able to find a place to rent.

    She’s trying out a bunch of crafts and we might open up my etsy shop so she can sell some things for extra walking around money. Stay tuned. If you are looking for early holiday gifts I’m hoping we can come up with something special. She crochets and is learning how to sew but she has pretty bad fibro myalgia so you know how that goes. If you have any special requests, shoot them my way!

    Lots of park time, and sun time…


    It’s been a real blast showing them all the local haunts.


    We hit the fair and that blew Bean’s mind. Fair time with littles is the best.



    So that’s our summer, how’s your’s going?

  • Family Matters,  heavy on photos,  my books,  Niece-com-poops,  out out out of the house!,  party party,  place holder posts,  Shop Talk,  The Desert,  The Zoo

    Life in My Fast Lane


    It’s been a busy few Mondays so I haven’t really shown up here as I’ve planned. I’ll just ramble through these pictures to catch up.

    First up: since summer vacation started (and I don’ have to play Muber and take Bug to school every morning), I have been popping my earbuds in to talk to my dad and walking the nearby park. It’s great. We’ve walked every morning for two weeks straight. We both are early birds and we both like walking and talking so we get a lot of gabbing and steps in early in the morning. Sometimes afterward I get some more steps in and hit the local Starbucks for a latte in a *glass* cup because everybody knows coffee tastes better in a glass cup.  It’s not my favorite mom-and-pop coffee shop but at least it’s a little more charming than the usual to-go routine.


    One of those days last week Bug and I went to Orange Circle for some thrifting. Lately, I’m on the hunt for “fabulous” costumes for my upcoming birthday party. (I’m planning a photoshoot as part of it.) I’m super nervous about everything and trying desperately not to spend too much money in the planning stage. It’s just what I do. Over-think, over-spend. It’s a really bad habit to break. Kind of like biting your nails.


    In other news, I have started a new puzzle. Leah told me about this really cool puzzle board that you can use to keep your puzzle contained. It’s great! All you have to do is slide the side panels in and then close it up tight with special velcro flaps and no pieces can escape. Unfortunately, the puzzle board arrived a little banged up in the mail and it’s warped in the middle. It still works but it would be nicer without a hill in the middle. I’ve got an email into them but so far no response.


    Bug and I are crossing off summer bucket list adventures. Our first adventure was to The Huntington Gardens. I love the gardens so much. We’ve got an evening stroll planned too. I would definitely get a membership here if it wasn’t a two-hour drive away. (crying face emoji here)


    We took Bug’s boyfriend and a friend with us. I love hanging out with teenagers. They are so funny and we have the best car conversations.  They put up with me surprisingly well, of course being the one with wheels keeps me in close proximity. That might change once they  get their driver’s licences but for now I’m basking in their youthful energy and approval. Funny how it’s such a priviledge to be appreciated by the young. It makes me want to rush out make more older friends and let them know they are just as fabulous.


    Oh yes, the street fair at my parent’s mobile home complex. It was a blast. I sold a lot of books! Who knew! I’ve done craft fairs before and made no money. Of course having my parents as my number one fans and advertisers helps a lot and the fact that a highschool friend dropped by and scooped up quite a few. Shout out to Jenny!

    It was also 103 degrees F. Yowzers. We stayed in the shade much of the time but had to close up shop before the fair ended so we didn’t get heat stroke.  Dry desert heat is much more bearable than humidity but even this desert rat has her limits.


    It’s been a busy few weeks as you can see. After the street fair we went back home and hosted a double birthday trip to the local zoo for my great nieces! I am a double great aunt to my niececompoop’s two daughters. I LOVE these babies!!! They are so adorable. Whenever one of them wanted me to hold them I did not say no.  How could I???  Their mamas were more than happy to have me hold them. I got my baby cravings filled and they got a little rest. And then I got a backache the next day! Shout out to all those older mamas hefting 20 babies out there. Stay strong!


    Our local zoo is very small but that’s about all the bandwidth we had anyway. Between heat and toddlers attention spans, a small zoo is perfect. We saw some birds and some monkeys, an ocelot and some camels and that was great.


    Then we went home for dinner and cake!


    The following weekend I took a road trip with some friends to Las Vegas for a Sting concert. I couldn’t quite swing a hotel stay (they are mucho expensive right now) but that was fine because one of my best friends, Bethany (not BethanyActually but my highschool bestie since 9th grade!!), lives in Henderson which is just a hop from the strip. I love staying with Bethany. We’ve been friends forever (and roommates during college ) so it’s like having a sleepover with your best friend and spending all your time laughing and talking non-stop. She also has several reptile pets so it was kind of like staying in a zoo. I got to watch her feed her snake and let her bearded dragons out for a morning sun bath and constitution. I can now add “lizard farts” to my strange story collection.


    The Sting concert was awesome of course. I’m not as huge fan of Sting as my friend Teresa (she’s a die-hard fangirl) but I definitely enjoyed hearing my old favorite songs and watching him interact with the crowd. I love how some musicians seem to be energized from the audience. It was his last concert in residency for the year and you’d think he’d be exhausted after playing the same songs night after night after night, but no, he was loving every minute. Seventy years has not slowed him down much at all.

    And that’s that! All caught up. Now it’s time to get to work!