15 minute posts,  Bug,  domesticity,  party party

Bug’s Seventeenth Birthday Vanilla Chocolate Matcha Raspberry Cake!


I made a cake like this for Bug last year and she loved it. Apparently, I didn’t blog about it. But Bug loved it so much that she special requested I make another one for her this year. So I did! Because that’s the kind of overworked and underpaid (but thankfully appreciated) haggard mom I am. So this year I’ll blog about it.

How did I make it? Well, I googled a vanilla cake. Found this one.  I think we discovered this recipe for Joon’s baking party and it was reasonably easy to make. It involved a lot of mixing and timing…It’s a little backward from how I usually make cakes but it works.  Do you know what doesn’t work? Expired baking powder. The recipe even says to check the expiration dates in the generous notes provided by the author but I read right over that like it wasn’t there. My baking soda expired in 2019. We stocked up for Joon’s bake-off party and I guess I never used it up. I thought I baked more than that.

The result of using expired baking powder was two very thin cakes. But I didn’t panic. I did what any experienced overworked underpaid haggard mother would do. I made another cake. Four very thin cakes make one just right cake!


Then I spread dark chocolate fudge frosting between each layer, smushed some fresh raspberries on top of the chocolate, and then stacked all the cakes on top of each other, and frosted the top. Not the sides! No, that would be too much. Just on the top of each layer. Then I decorated the top with more fresh raspberries and sprinkled it with matcha powder. That’s it!


And everybody loved it! Knowing Bug this will probably be the required cake until the end of time. Which is fine because I’m an underpaid, overworked haggard mother who is appreciated!

But you know what? My overworked underpaid luck is about to change. Big things are in my future. I can’t share yet but I will when I can. I’ve vvvvvvvvvvvery excited. That is if things work out. There’s still a chance they might not which is fine. I’ll just keep on keeping on!

Tah tah!


  • Cathy

    That cake looks delicious, the tablecloth is pretty, Bug’s dress is so cute (don’t tell me it’s thrifted) and you sure know how to leave us on a cliffhanger! Hope it works out.

  • Gingermog

    So lovely! I don’t blame Bug for wanting this cake every year :) You have such a knack for staging elegant tea parties xx

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