Adventures with Suzette,  Apartmentlandia,  house stuff!,  rando bits

Got my mojo back, maybe.


I actually woke up excited to blog today. That is huge! It’s been probably fifteen years since I looked forward to blogging. It was such a job there for a while, you know? It was fun when I was famous but then blogs fell out of fashion and mommy blogging was so overdone…I was kinda ashamed to be part of all that but I think in spite of myself and all the flubs I’ve committed over the years, I finally have a great corner of the internet all to myself. I really look forward to the comments here and I feel like you are my real friends. I love updating you. I love the inside jokes we have. So here I am, back!

I’ve felt slightly better over the last few days. Payam and I are friends and today I walked the dogs which was a HUGE serotonin hit. I follow a bunch of golden retriever accounts on Instagram (to combat depression obviously) and they make me miss Cody so much! Of course, I miss Whiskey too but there aren’t as many cute wheatens on the internet as there are golden retrievers. I’m a sucker for a good puppy video. They get me every time.  It was really fun to walk them. I walked them all the way to Starbucks and got them big glasses of water and puppuccinos. They were so happy. I might make it a regular thing.


Yesterday I got a bee up my butt and I rearranged the living room furniture. That’s definitely a sign that I’m feeling better. I also re-covered that chair you see on the left. I bought it at an estate sale for ten bucks. It was soooooo dusty. I think the original owner must have been in dead or in a home for years before they opened up the house and decided to sell all the stuff. There were so many amazing antiques. I bought a pot and a can opener and a chair! I love a good estate sale. It’s been nice to have a new place to furnish. I wish I was a professional estate sale shopper. If anyone needs unique furnishings, email me. I’m great at finding unique things!


Oh yes, remember this goober? She still steals my phone and takes hundreds of silly selfies. I love it.


In other news: Bug’s bike got stolen right out of our carport. It was locked to the trellis wall with my bike (Suzette the bicyclette) and the thieves just cut the lock and took it. We are so bummed. They didn’t take Suzette though so I whipped her upstairs and have her stashed half in my closet and the other half sticking out. It’s not the most aesthetically pleasing arrangement but nobody’s going to steal my bike if I can help it. We filed a police report and an officer actually came out to talk with us. He said there isn’t much we can do but they took all of our information and they were really nice about it. I’m so glad Toby still had the serial number so if they do find it they can return it to us. Sigh… thems the breaks of apartment living.


Last night Bug and I crept onto the golf course to take a photo of the super moon. It was so fun to sneak around in the dark where we normally are not allowed. I didn’t even care that I was wearing my pajamas.


This is definitely proof that I’m getting my mojo back. I think I want to throw a “fabulous fifty” birthday party and ask all my friends to dress up for a pool party at the clubhouse in our complex. I’m planning the ultimate photoshoot and everybody must dress up. The more fabulous the better. I was thinking crazy flowered pants and Elton John style glasses but when I went to a thrift store to find some “70’s glam costumery” all I found was this amazing peacock green gown instead. It is truly AMAZING. There is so much fabric and it’s super heavy and stretchy like a swimsuit. You can tie it a million different ways and every way is flattering. I’m also working on a Brendarita invitation with real margarita powder and freeze-dried strawberries (just add tequila)! If you want to be on my exclusive mailing list email me. Because if you are still reading here on this corner of the internet you deserve to be at this party!


  • Rachel W

    I love the back of your awesome dress, and your photo skills that let me see it. I always like your updates!

  • Allison Jolliff

    I have followed you for forever, and even though I am a terrible pen pal and haven’t written you a letter in months, and even though I am 6 hours away and will probably not come, I would FOR SURE love an invitation because you and your parties are amazing!
    Also, is it weird that I am rooting so hard for you and we have never met?

    • SAJ

      Don’t even worry! The fact that you’ve written me a few letters is amazing. And don’t even get me started on your handwriting skills!

  • Susie

    I love this post (well, except the part about Bug’s bike)! The apartment looks great, the dress is gorgeous, and it sounds like you’re hitting your groove. I’m so happy to hear that you’re planning one of your spectacular parties to celebrate 50. I love big birthdays! Is it weird that I wish I could actually be there? (Don’t answer that. :D) I still remember the Paris party — how long ago was that?! Anyway, it’s so great to see you feeling better. :)

  • Erin ??

    Love the LR furniture and color arrangement. The recovered chair is fabulous!
    Are you able to hang bikes from studs in ceiling or wall?

    • SAJ

      Sadly, no. The ceilings are popcorn (ugh) and of course, hold asbestos warnings. But my bike, Suzette, fit halfway in my closet which is not so bad. I have a huge room so I can handle it. Not sure what we’ll do about Bug if she gets her bike back or a new one. I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.

  • Sara

    I am so glad that you keep blogging. You are the most likeable and creative blogger there is and I am always rooting for you from Canada.

  • Cathy

    Love this whole post and am happy that you are feeling better! That dress is awesome, love the color. And I would love a party invite although my chances of actually getting there are pretty slim! Hey, have you ever been to the Rose Bowl Flea Market? That is on my bucket list.

  • Lauren

    1. Yay for your mojo! 2. Your place looks SO cute!!!!!! Like a magazine! 3. Ugh so sad about Bug’s bike though. 4. THAT DRESS!!!!!!!! gorgeous on you!!!!

  • Geraldine

    I’m glad after 15 years you’re still blogging. I love your writing style.
    Your style of writing is such a joy to read because you don’t pretend to be anything but human, full of ups and downs, mixed in with a good sense of humor and adventure!
    I also love the photos that you post both here and on Instagram

  • Lisa P

    Love the dress! I think that is a perfect outfit to celebrate your birthday.
    I’m so happy that you are still blogging!

  • Lulu

    I love you as a young mom with a toddler, a divorce mom in a trailer park, a working mom in an apartment, a couple in a blended family and now a single mom of a teenager and aging gracefully.

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