Bug,  house stuff!,  painting

Painting Bug’s Room, again.


When I was a kid I was lucky if I got to paint my room a shade of white with a tinge of color. Sigh… Remember those days?

Actually, I was pretty spoiled because when I was twelve or so my Grandma completely redid my room in gray and pink AND she put up starched fabric on the wall as wallpaper three sides around my built-in bed with curtains so that my bed felt like a ship’s cabin. It was so cool. But I digress.

What I was trying to say is my kids are so spoiled they paint their rooms crazy colors and AND THEN two years later I let them paint it all over again: WHITE! Pffff….. kids these days, they don’t know a good thing if it looked them in the face. Just kidding. I know I spoil them but it’s really fun and you know how much I love a good re-do. I’m just kinda surprised Bug picked white of all colors. I mean if I had my way, I’d let her paint her walls dark ombre indigo…

So white it is.


I guess white is a trending color now.  She worked so hard on this room and I kept scratching my head thinking it looks pretty plain, like an apartment that was just moved into. But I’m not going to complain because I do like it too. It’s very bright and happy.


I especially loved that it cost us next to nothing. I scrounged up the old sheer white curtains from my mobile home days, we hung some battery operated lights across the ceiling and it’s pretty much done! We did also order a pretty soft peach tapestry for the wall but it’s backordered until October.


The quilt was my grandma’s. I’m glad she loves it. That’s me lounging on her bed.


And that’s her gaming. Summer is almost over so they are getting in every minute they can before we enforce no-electronic rules again.


It’s cute right?  I mean, it’s nothing crazy but I love that it’s all her. She took her time and cleaned out every item in her room that she didn’t think fit with her “theme”. I’m proud of her curating skills. I remember it wasn’t so long ago that she cried if I threw anything away. Not anymore. She is my purging queen.


Each item that she chose to keep is extra special. And now Joon is going through the same thing! Room re-do’s are contagious it seems. I will post her’s soon too. But in the meantime, look at this face:


This is the face of someone who is getting braces this week! Also, this is the face of someone who paints her nails ombre red and buys a jelly doughnut just because it matches her nails. That’s my Bug. It’s always about color.



  • Anna

    I love it!! We are all about colour too, but I am thinking the kids are wanting white soon!! I know that as much as I LOVE my blue kitchen, if it was white it would be brighter and I would see better :D

  • Lynne Hood

    Hi late again posting I’m back at the farm and I always fall off the edge of the social media cliff here
    That’s me falling off a cliff ( small cliff :) … I love the fact that you’ve visited here and know the farm.

    I think its great that Bug has painted her room white, putting it together & styling it herself. White’s a good colour as its blank canvas to spring board off.

    Your room as a teenager sounded great. Didn’t you have a little pink phone too? I recall you mentioning it one time in a garage sale. Soo cool having your own phone!!!

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