• 15 minute posts,  house stuff!,  Shop Talk

    An Update


    Hi everybody! I’m still alive. I can hardly believe it myself. Living through this hard drive crash and the partial restoration process that has followed it (that feels like putting together a 500,000 puzzle in all black pieces) has been a real eye-opener for me. I’m feeling positive but it’s really made me rethink my whole outlook on life, work and how I want to change things.

    I might need some help. I think I need an agent. Does anyone know anyone? I need to make more money as an illustrator and I need to work smarter. I need to create a better portfolio and get my work out there. Of course I can’t start on that until my laptop is up and running but I thought I’d at least share that with you readers in case there’s somebody out there who knows somebody who knows somebody. You never know.

    I’ve poked around on a few sites that represent illustrators and I’m getting intimidated. There are so many amazing artists out there. Will they even look at me? Does anyone have any helpful advice?

    There's a couch in my living room! Thanks @carrien_laughs! and @troygronberg for moving it!!

    In other news I have a new couch!

    My friend Carrien is moving to Thailand for two years to help build a self-sustaining orphanage and I’m taking care of her red couch while she is gone. She saves children. I take care of her couch. It works out.

    However, the couch threw my whole living room out of whack and since I was going through a mental breakdown over my broken laptop, I channeled my frustration into obsessive-compulsive furniture rearranging. Good times!

    Spent all morning rearranging furniture only to end up back where I started. Lovely red couch is blocking my Bren Shui.

    I tried every possible furniture arrangement. Sideways, backwards, against every wall, away from the wall, diagonal, even blocking the front door. Nothing worked. Finally I put the couch right back where it was dropped off and I think that’s where it’s going to stay.

    I'm using Instagram to blog since I can't use photoshop. Please pardon my random shots. I'll be done soon.

    But! We also have a flat-screen tv now. (Also a gift from a friend.) It’s so weird. I’m in the worst financial straits I’ve been in in years and I have a giant flat-screen tv and a couch. Something is wrong with this picture. How am I supposed to dig my way out of poverty by watching television all day?

    I’m not going to, that’s how. We don’t have cable thankfully but we do have Apple TV and Netflix—which is a deadly combination if you ask me. But it’s here and it’s kind of nice. If you want to come over for a movie-watching party, you are most welcome. Just don’t come in the daytime when I’m supposed to be working.


    The couch is really comfy. I’ve found myself moving my laptop all over the house and spending much of my time here leaning over onto my make-shift wooden crate coffee table to type. Whatever works, right?

    Laptop is useless for work but the DVD player still works!

    I love seeing kids squished onto it. They love it, of course.


    So that’s that. I’m still in the middle of the muddle but I’m keeping my spirits up!

  • artsy fartsy,  elsewhere!,  Shiksa post

    Happy Purim!


    We had a lot of fun making Purim crafts for The Shiksa these last few weeks. We made masks with my friend Carrien’s kids.


    Yes, Bethany and her kids were there too. So much fun.


    We also made some Purim finger puppets for the story of Esther. This one is my favorite. I love it when I get to illustrate printables. Especially now that I am going through laptop withdrawals. Please click over to that one for the free printable and coloring sheet.


    And lastly a paper basket or Mishloach Manot!

    Happy Purim all my Jewish friends! And if you’re not Jewish I’m sure you could still find some fun in these crafts. :)