Bug,  Tis the Season

The Moscow Ballet: Nutcracker!

pre-ballet beverages

Several months ago my Aunt Keren hit me up to see if I’d be interested in some tickets to see the Moscow Ballet do the Nutcracker in Palm Springs. Of course I said yes and we anxiously awaited the day when we would actually drive all the way there to see them in the flesh. We had amazing seats and we were so excited. Originally we thought my Grandma would go too because she loves the ballet as much as we do but she wasn’t feeling up to it. So my cousin Kelly went instead. That’s her up there in the top picture with Bug sipping on some pre-ballet beverages.

our NOT nosebleed seats

Our seats were tucked along the side of the stage but they were so close to the stage! We could see the dancer’s feet and hear their nearly soundless bounces when they jumped really really high. It was amazing.

intro toy dancers

Mouse King

I have to admit I was a little worried it would be too much for Bug. Bug is not a night owl (usually to my delight) and the show started at 8pm on a school night. The Nutcracker is not a short ballet either. It didn’t end until 9:30 and then we had a two hour drive home after that. It was a doozy of a night. But it was so worth it.

I think since Bug has been in ballet since she was four and we’ve watched all sorts of movies about it together, she was pretty into it. It was really special for all of us.

dance of the snowflakes

Since the Moscow Ballet is a traveling troupe the stage wasn’t as elaborate as I expected but that was okay because their costumes were. The snowflake dancers were my favorite. They were beautiful. It was like the ultimate little girl dream come true. I loved it.


And then snow fell from the ceiling! It was magical. I think we are going to have to make seeing The Nutcracker a tradition from now on. I can see why so many people do.

us, fancy

Plus, it’s fun to dress up and be fancy for a night. Even if it was a school night. Yes, the next day sucked bananas but it was so worth it.


  • Sarah

    Dressing up and having somewhere fancy to go is so much fun. I’ve seen a couple of professional ballet performances and the dancers’ athleticism, strength and grace is just unbelievable.

  • Susan:)

    That’s so cool that you guys got to see it! We took my niece last year and she loved it. She’s in ballet this year, and got to be in her school’s version of The Nutcracker this year! Ballet is really amazing.

  • Amy

    The Nutcracker is a pretty important tradition for us. So far we’ve seen it in four different cities (well, one of them is just a big town, but one was NYC), and my daughter is only 6! I love it.

  • Jen

    I’m so jealous. That looks like such a fun night. I’m so looking forward to doing this with my girls next year. I think Moe will be just old enough to appreciate a good show then :)

  • Alma

    I would love to take my little one to see the Nutcracker next year when she is five she will probably have more patience to sit through it.
    It looks so lovely.
    Love Bug’s outfit!

  • Cathy

    My daughter has been dancing in the city civic ballet’s version for about 10 years now and loves it! We went to see Smuin’s Christmas Ballet in SF as well – they are so impressive. Wonderful tradition! “Snow” is my favorite scene as well! Hope you and Bug enjoyed a wonderful holiday.

  • Kuky

    That would be a lovely tradition. I only remember seeing the Nutcracker once when I was little. And we were so far from the stage it was not very memorable.

    Isabelle doesn’t do ballet anymore. She has no interest. Maybe when Nathan gets a little older we’ll see if he wants to try. It was so cute seeing the little boys at the dance recitals, there were so few of them.

  • Beachmama

    Apple and I have gone for two years now, this year being a very Canadiana version, I hope we cando it every year as it is always lots if fun!