Shop Talk

Calendar Me!


It’s that time of year again. You go to the fridge to mark down an important date and dangit! Brenda hasn’t made a new calendar yet. That was me all last week. But AT LAST! I have gotten off my butt and made one! Phew!

Longtime readers know the drill. You can download it for FREE for a week (or so) as long as you email me nicely and tell me about all the typos and errors I made. You get to be proof-readers! I need it too. I typeset the whole thing by hand. I don’t have a handy dandy calendar creator program so if there’s a double number or I’m missing Tuesday it’s all my fault. So here you go! After it’s perfect, or as near as it can be, it will go in my shop for a couple bucks.

Happy Calendaring!


  • Courtney

    I’m not sure if it’s a big deal or not. But January and February are lowercase and the rest of the months are uppercase? Perhaps you meant to do that though, so if that’s the case then just ignore me. I’ll just go back to writing my paper. :)

  • Ali

    As much as I love your calendars I don’t think I’ll need one. My Mayan friend said I’ll only need a calendar for like 3 more weeks.

    Emailing shortly ;)

  • Courtney (another one)

    I love the illustrations. Apart from the capitalization, the only thing I saw was September spelled as Septemeber.

  • Annika

    OH MY GOSH, the illustrations are extra cute this year!

    Typo in September.

    In February, you have both Lincoln’s birthday and Presidents Day–is that deliberate?

    You left off Easter.

  • mamalang

    Easter, Good Friday and MY BIRTHDAY are all missing…(just kidding on the last one. Sorry I couldn’t resist.) Other than that, SQUEEEE so cute.

    Thanks for sharing with us.

  • Amanda

    Mamalang beat me to it…was going to question Easter and Good Friday. As for spelling…yep, it’s all American. ;) I think you need to make/add Canadian dates to next year’s calendar (too late to bug you this year). :)

  • Kaleigh

    In January, you have it as “Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Day”… I believe it’s just “Martin Luther King, Jr. Day” without the apostrophe s.

  • Kaleigh

    I mean absolutely no disrespect by this, but is John F. Kennedy’s Birthday on May 29th a holiday? It very well may be.. I was just surprised to see it on a calendar.

    I like “Christmas Day” on the 25th better than just “Christmas,” especially since it follows “Christmas Eve.”

    What is the illustration for July? I can’t quite see it, for some reason.

    Everything else looks fantastic!

    Oh and September is misspelled, but I believe someone already mentioned that :]

  • SAJ

    I thought John F. Kennedy’s birthday was weird too but I just followed google calendar and figure it might be a holiday now.

  • WrittenPyramids

    I wasn’t sure how to e-mail you, but I love your blog and your calendar. I noticed two tiny typos: It should be Presidents’ Day, not President’s Day because it celebrates multiple presidents (at least that’s what tells me) and Veterans Day not Veteran’s Day. Again with the multiple veterans, but I don’t know why there’s no apostrophe, but doesn’t have one so…

  • a. kathy

    Hi Just a thought…if you’re going to have Lincoln’s b-day you ought to have Washington’s (22). Before we had Presidents’ day we had both on the calendar. I would take out JFK and put in Reagan. Just saying, it’s probably someone’s preference or an idea of a joke. I agree some Canadian national holidays might be a good idea too. Especially Canada Day on July 1 and Thanksgiving in October.

  • Jeanie

    Brenda, your calendar is beautiful! You have such a great artistic eye. I love to see your work out here on your site.

    I will pray for your dad regarding his health problems. Scary, for sure! It’s one of the cruddiest parts of getting older is watching our elders suffer with this or that malady. (((((BRENDA’S FAMILY)))))

    I am a great proofreader (if you ever want to email something to me for proofing). I used to have to proofread for work all the time (now I’m home with our 4-year-old). Anyhow, just a thought. I promise I’m not a creepster. Ha! So far from that.


    Hang in there getting it all done, or trying!

  • Jeanie

    Still me again from the comment above ^

    I meant if you ever want a pair of eyes to proof for spacing, spelling, just overall view of it — I have done that before. I do it for my friend’s business (she is in NC). Anyhow, I don’t do it for money for her (or you) but just as a friend helping a friend.

    In case you were thinking “Did she just apply for a job?” Ha! No, I did not. :o)

    Now I am going to stop typing before I take the crown of King Dork and more firmly place it on my head. Durr.

  • Kristen

    Since you used some Christian holidays, perhaps you’d consider adding some Jewish ones? I’m not Jewish, so I’m not quite sure which ones are the “biggies”…maybe Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah, and Hanukkah? And I know some of those occur over a range of days, so you’d probably have to use “Beginning of ….” This might not be worth the effort to research, but I thought I’d throw it out there. (Plus, I know I’m still excluding other religions.)

  • Anne

    LOVE it! I always love your calendars and got so excited to see this come up. I usually print a couple copies for different offices. Other than what was mentioned, it looks fantastic. :)

  • ioi

    Someone already mentioned Washington’s b-day, but you have things like Earth Day, Patriot Day, Flag day… what about Groundhog Day? – Feb 2nd this year.

    Daylight Savings begins on March 10th, and I think Good Friday (Mar 29) and Easter (Mar 31) have already been mentioned as missing.

    You know there’s an extra ‘e’ on September’s page already.

    Daylight Savings Ends on Nov 3rd.

    I liked the suggestions for Canadian major holidays (May 20 – Victoria Day, July 1 – Canada Day, October 14 – Thanksgiving, and Nov 11 – Remembrance Day), and I love how your illustrations reflected what happened aroudn that time this past year.

    Ricka just recently wrecked the ‘Draft for Proofreading Calendar’ that we printed out for 2012, and Dolly was very upset about it (I had given it to her), so she’ll be thrilled to get the new one for 2013. :)