15 minute posts,  Buddies,  crazy stuff,  Shop Talk

Best Laid Plans…

best laid plans...

Ever since my dad, the healthiest member of our family, suddenly came down with a life threatening condition, I feel like everything has been in a crazy tailspin. Thankfully, good things have been happening along with the bad things so we are all coping but man, you just don’t know what crazy thing could be around the corner!

Before I get to what I want to blog about I should give you an update on my dad. He is home safe and getting his blood checked daily. They have to drive quite a bit to get to the lab but it’s way better than the long drive home from Northern California they just went through. The best news is that it looks like his insurance has been reinstated and might even go into effect retroactively. This is awesome news because he had to borrow money for the expensive shots from my uncle they weren’t sure how they were going to pay him back. This worry off his shoulders is a huge relief.

I talk to my mom and dad daily and everyone seems to be very optimistic. Now all we do is wait for the medication to do it’s thing and his body will eventually break down the clot. Thank you for all your prayers.

So back to plans going haywire. This weekend was supposed to be Elliora’s 2nd birthday party. I had plans to drive down to San Diego Friday night to help Bethany get ready. You know how I am about party prep. I did go ahead and drive down with my parents blessing because there isn’t really anything I can do to help AND I had a sudden craft project come up that required a baby as the model. Bug is at her Dad’s and not really a baby anymore so going down to San Diego was the optimum plan so that Elliora could model for me.

The plan was to party with Ellie on Saturday, (Bug and Toby would come down too) and then craft on Sunday.

And then Annalie threw up. Poor kid. She was so excited for her little sister’s birthday party and then she went and got sick. Poor Bethany. She was in the middle of party prep and suddenly had to navigate whether or not to un-invite all the guests. Was it food poisoning? A virus? Could she, should she go ahead and have a party on only a half an hour of sleep?

In the end everyone decided it was best to cancel and reschedule for next weekend.

party interrupted

We needed more time to get ready anyway. :)

And in the meantime I’m crafting with my little partner. Isn’t she adorable?

me and E

I have to admit I was a little worried about E being a model for me. I’ve been doing craft posts with Bug for so long, we have a rhythm to how we do things. She poses with her big brown eyes and every shot turns out. I reward her with frozen yogurt and pedicures and everybody’s happy. Would E be as photogenic? Would she want to do crafts with scary Aunt Brenda? My paycheck depended on these things.

Well, I needn’t have worried.

my little crafting model

The answer is yes.


  • bethany

    there’s a born model for sure! and sooo glad about your dad, so hard to be sidelined and not really be able to do much, isn’t it? poor Annalie too, hope the rescheduled party goes gangbusters and that it’s even better in the end!

  • Courtney

    So glad to hear about your dad and even better to hear about insurance. I can’t wait to see pictures from Elliora’s party. I LOVE seeing your party pictures.

    I’m also glad to see a Christmas tree up there! I wanted to pick mine up from the farm (yes! a Christmas tree farm! in Orange County!) this weekend and everyone looked at me like I was nuts. :(

    Anyways, again I’m happy things are looking up!

  • a chris

    Wow, all my best to your dad.

    Elliora’s got a gorgeous smile, hasn’t she? We’re having a delayed birthday party next weekend too. We needed some more time to get things together! It won’t be as creative as a Brenda-designed party, needless to say. I’ve noticed this year that all G’s friends are having party activities out of the house, with a general emphasis on burning all that excess 4yo energy. I hope our little cake session doesn’t fall flat.

  • Ninabi

    I am so glad your dad is okay. We went through the same scare with my mother in law- blood clots in her lungs- and we are grateful that all turned out well and I pray the same for your dad, for your family, too.

    I’m glad the party could be rescheduled- it would be a pity not to have such a cute party- I love the sheep theme with the comical expressions you gave the sheep.

    Yes, you do have a really cute model there- she’s adorable. I’m sure I will get eye rolls from my daughter when she comes to visit when I hint that someday a grandchild would be sweet… :)

  • Karen

    Been lurking for ages, not much of a commenter. But wanted you to know a stranger in Syracuse was sending your father, you, basically your whole family many good thoughts.

  • BeachMama

    So happy to hear the news about your Dad, makes my heart sing :)

    Elliora is so sweet, sorry Annalie got sick, but imaging what you guys will now accomplish with a week to work on everything!

  • OMSH

    Oh! I’m really looking forward to seeing your post with Elliora. I’m really sad to hear that Annalie was sick though – for both her and her sister. Then again, maybe it was perfect timing. God is good like that. Best wishes and prayers none of you catch what Annalie suffered through. :(