• Eye Spy



    Someday when I’m rich and famous and I have the house of my dreams, I’m going to have a big patio atrium with a hammock like this. I could actually afford the hammock now (it’s only $42!) but I don’t have a good place to hang it and also all the neighborhood kids like to come over and wreck things. I’ll wait until they grow up and act civilized.

  • gardening,  the sticks,  The Zoo,  Tis the Season

    You say tomato, I say, Would you like some?

    so many tomatoes!

    As you can see (by my banner and all these pictures) we are in full tomato production out here in the sticks. Tis the season! I’m surprised I haven’t turned red, I’ve been eating so many.

    breakfast, lunch and dinner

    For breakfast I have a bagel with cream cheese and a giant slice of tomato and then a slice of muenster cheese on top. It’s soooo delicious. I could and do eat this every day.

    tis the season

    Then I have a tomato sandwich for lunch. Pretty much the same thing as breakfast just minus the cream cheese and bread instead of a bagel. Mmmmmmm….I can’t believe I’m not sick of this yet.

    I have them for dinner a lot too. I should post a picture here of some delicious spaghetti I’ve made with fresh tomatoes but I haven’t figured that out yet. My mom has convinced me that it is easy but I’ve yet to try it. One of these days…

    tomato production

    My mom canned a lot (this is only half of them) so I can make spaghetti with them even easier. It’s going to save me so much money this winter. Well, maybe not. It’s not like jars of spaghetti sauce were breaking my budget but it does make me feel super frugal and less wasteful when I see all these jars lined up so nicely in my pantry.


    Tomato plants are a pretty good investment, especially if you count the water bill as therapy. Yes, I water my garden to calm my nerves. You should try it. Now you know the secret to my green thumb.





    morning harvest



    We’ve got them coming out our ears.

    There’s only one problem.

    exibit A

    Somebody else likes my tomatoes.

    exibit B

    Somebody who doesn’t even bother to pick them.

    exhibit c

    They just walk by and take a big ol’ bite out of a slew of them in the middle of the night when nobody’s looking. And then they just leave them there to rot. How rude!!!


    I’m talking to you Mr. Possum! You might look cute and cuddly but YOU ARE NOT!!! You are a snarling, growling, evil tomato-eating menace.

    evil tomato-eating possum

    Even Holly is afraid of these guys. We camped outside the other night and I thought sure that Holly would finally catch one, she barked enough. But no. Apparently Holly is a big wuss dog. Though that might be a good thing because I really don’t want to take her to the vet to get possum teeth removed from her nose. Have you heard possums growl in the dark? They are scary!!!

    So does anyone know how to get rid of possums? I’ll pay you in tomatoes.

    * * *

    In other news: Please check out my review for REI.

    Brenda and Bug do REI

    We had so much fun with them!