• Bug,  Tis the Season

    tis the season for creative expression

    tis the season

    I secretly love addressing Christmas cards. Sometimes when I’m fifty or so in, I start to get hand cramps and not love it so much but that doesn’t really stop me from loving the whole process. I love what I suffer for. I love to work on my penmanship. I could slap a label on the outside and scrawl an “xo” after a printed message but that’s not my style.

    Of course more than half of the Christmas cards that I’ve already written, stuffed and sealed are NOT my best work. In fact, they are quite sloppy. Writing in pen is sooo permanent! There is no backspace! Sometimes I leave out letters and have to go back and squeeze them in all tacky-like. Also, I chose to stamp my greeting this year and stamping is messy!

    Bug helps

    Then there’s Bug who likes to assist me in all that I do. She “helps” me by bouncing off the couch onto my back as I lean over coffee table scrawling out my thoughtful messages. She helps by climbing on my lap via a hand-hold on my writing arm and then of course there are the 101 interruptions to go find something that she can’t find ANYWHERE!… it’s all been a challenge to say the least.

    But I have to admit, when she writes “HO” in big scrawly letters right in the middle where I was going to write, it’s priceless. Some of you will get very personal messages from Bug, some of you will not. We had to let the creative energy flow where it would.