Beach Bits,  Bug

Windy Walking

It’s been raining here pretty hard here lately. I’m sure lots of people will be making fun of us, how we Californians can’t drive in the rain, how the news makes every little rain drop seem like the biggest story of the year, how our houses are sliding off the cliffs into the ocean… bla bla bla. That’s all true… but the rain to me means: not so much walking outside. And when you have a baby who gets bored easily, this is a very bad thing.

My two month old gets bored easily. Really! Toby says we have made a monster. She’s a combo of me being high maintenance with a short attention span that needs to be constantly entertained and Toby who has a short fuse and anger issues. So we’ve made a child who gets bored and mad easily. You should see her. She doesn’t cry like a normal baby. No tears and sad faces and distressed sounds. Noooooooo, she yells. She yells in quick loud dolphin-like screeches with lots of air space in between just to make sure her point has sunk in.

When she gets in this state (which is the usual 4-7pm baby witching hour) I carry her around the living room over my shoulder so she can get maximum viewing capabilities. This is the only thing she likes. Believe me I’ve tried everything. When she gets bored of the living room she shrieks to be walked to another room. We do this with every room in the house and then we walk onto the patio. The cold rainy air doesn’t scare us. We are bored and we must be entertained!

Yesterday I was itching to get out on a normal walk but it was still pretty cold and windy. I’m sure you east coast readers are laughing at me and calling this weather summer-like but to me it’s a bit chilly to be taking a baby out in. But I couldn’t stand it anymore. All the screeching!

So we bundled up and out we went.

I’m so glad we did. It was a beautiful day to go down to the beach. The sun was out and the sky was so blue. The sea gulls were playing games with each other in the giant updrafts off the harbor. The clouds were like castles and the sand was blown into little miniature sand dunes. The waves were huge and tumultuous, you could see white caps for miles and miles. I had a great time snapping photos.

Baby Bug went to sleep. Of course. That little squirt.

I’ve uploaded theses pictures onto flickr here for you so you can see what it really looked like, without the slide show dithering.


  • Sarah

    you are so lucky to live where you live…you might say I am lucky to live where I live too but I would trade with you anyday. beautiful photos.

  • Photographer Lori

    I was so glad the rain stopped! It’s BEE U TEE FUL here today and I’m about to take the dog to Manhattan Beach for a long walk.

    The husband and I were in Balboa on monday in between rain storms. I love Balboa! I looked around for you, but I knew the rain kept you inside….Every time we’re there I keep my eyes open for you…how weird would that be? ha


  • ginger incognito

    Oh, it does look beautiful! It’s when I see photos like that I wish I didn’t have to be cooped up at work. Blech.

    As for Baby Bug’s attention wiring: the Doodle can concentrate for a long time on something, so much so that she blocks everything else out. If she were attentively watching an episode of Dora while the kitchen was on fire, well, she wouldn’t notice the hollering and fire extinguishers. But as soon as Dora and Boots broke into their “we did it” celebration, she’d be yelling out, “More Dora!” And heaven help the parent who does not help her queue up another Dora in a timely fashion. . . .

  • BeachMama

    Those are gorgeous photos!!! Ahh and yes, the rain, I send you a big fat raspberry if that is all you have to contend with ;). I know the Bugaboo is a different shape, but can’t you get a rain guard for it ? I have rain guards for both my strollers (I have a regular mall stroller and a heavy duty jogger so I can walk both my large dogs), so it means I can go for a walk if I need to during the rain. They work wonders :)

  • Carrie

    I feel for you, Brenda. E was like that for three months and it was hell. Hopefully she’ll snap out of it as she gets older. E turns 6 mo. next week and he is just delightful now. Glad you had a good walk.

  • Scarlett

    Hey SAJ, have you got one of those baby swings?!?! my son LOVED his swing! when I had things I had to do and he was bored with laying around while mom had to cook or whatever, I put him in the swing, wound it up and he would just be content as could be…of course, when they get a little older, those little Disney sing-a-long songs videos (I have TONS of them, I should send you a couple!) are really great, because they start really getting into that whole, hey mom, look, I can dance and sing along. It’s pretty cute. Well, good luck! Just remember, they are all just little stages…she will grow out of this one, and then start another!!! hehehe. you can handle it!! you’re a great mom already!

  • Daren

    Brenda, I love your website. Enjoy the beach – even in the rain. That’s why God invented umbrellas. (Or so my thought processes work.)

  • Clownfish

    I peek in here more than you think. The factory blocks all pages with “blog” in the address. Lucky for me yours does not. It’s like Christmas, wondering what photo gifts lie beneath the url wrapping paper. Have a great day!