Bug,  Shop Talk

Good Behavior Bug

I’m so tired, I can barely keep my eyes open as I type this. But I had to check in and let everybody know that the big day with Baby Bug was a complete success. Mostly because her Auntie Heather aka Comfortably Crazy worked her motherly magic on Baby Bug. My sister-in-law was meant to take care of babies. Some women are just like that. Not me. I think I’m better with bigger kids. I guess we’ll see…

The big photo shoot at the mall was great. Baby Bug rode around in the baby carrier on Auntie Heather while I dodged all the crazy shopping women and took a photo of every single vendor in the mall. Three floors of tables and displays of plants. Phew! If anybody has a green thumb I strongly recommend this show.

After the photo shoot, we headed over to my meeting and Baby Bug made me so proud. We carried in my big black presentation boards and of course everyone gathered around to see the baby and then you know what Baby Bug did? She smiled grin after grin after grin. Her cheeks were bulging and her arms were waving around like babies do when they get happy with their whole body. It was wonderful. No screaming, no quivering lower lips, no pterodactyl shrieks… just smile after smile! This kid always surprises me. The meeting was short and sweet and before we knew it we were back on the road and calling it a day.

Phew! Goodnight, I’m going to bed.


  • aunt kathy

    I’m so glad it went well for you. That’s great that you could take BB with you and she “behaved” so well. I guess you just never know. It’s great that CC could help you. I’m sure that it was a huge relief just to have there to manage BB.

  • margalit

    I was wondering how it went and I”m thrilled to hear such a positive report. That Bug, she is one smart (and adorable) baby.

    The photos you took were amazing. We just got one of those copper coil with the glass marble thingy at a museum shop to give as a b’day gift to a friend. But what are those white round things with the red and brown? They look like creepy eyes.

  • Xangelle

    That’s great. Not only is she adorable, but she’s smart as well. Knows when to use her baby charms to her mom’s advantage. Good to hear you had a great day.

  • Jennifer

    It’s such a personal victory when your baby is on her “best behavior”. I’m glad all went well and Baby Bug was so charming. She’s a real cutie pie.

  • curious

    Well it was driving me crazy yesterday wondering how it went??!!! It is great that everything turned out well it will spur you on the next adventure!!!!

  • Marissa

    Speaking of the baby carrier, have you tried sticking Lily or Pounce in that yet? That’d make a funny pic.

  • Daisy Mae

    Awesome pictures! Although I was a little worried about the one of the white thingys that look like they are covered in blood. Not quite sure what that was. Bloody bulbs maybe?

    I knew Baby Bug would do you proud. She’ll be your best salesperson for your business before you know it. Glad it all went okay!!!

  • Texas T-bone

    It sounds like you’ve found the perfect job in your matronly client. Now I need to convince my boss that having my dog in the office is a brilliant idea. The times my son has visited, very little work actually gets done and soon as we know it all the paper clips have ‘disappeared.”

  • Nila

    Way to be a multi-tasking mommy. And most importantly, way to use your family members. I use mine at every possible opportunity. After all, it takes a tribe (that’ the name of my blog coincidentally).

    Baby bug just gets cuter and cuter. Those cheeks!

  • BeachMama

    Sounds like the perfect day! You are so fortunate to have such a wonderful sister-in-law. And it sounds like your meeting went very well too, looks like Baby Bug might get to be a regular now and then.