Buddies,  Shop Talk

Queen of Procrastination

It’s good to be Queen!

Ellen has saved me from making my own art today!!! Ellen is the bomb and a fabulous artist if you didn’t already know. I’m so flattered that she’s started her own court with every one signing up to be crowned… except it reminds me of how badly I’m lagging with my order of the spys and the whole spy emblem thing. When oh when am I going to get off my ass and get some things done around here?!!! I better hop to it if I plan to have a baby in January. I think post-baby I’ll have to cut off the free spy initiation and think up something else clever. So if you’re on the waiting list, consider yourself lucky. AND… I still haven’t forgotten the Paris postcards either. I still have the official SAJ mailing list that you all signed up on and I promise to knock something out pre-baby. Cross my heart and stick a needle in my eye!