Family Matters,  Niece-com-poops,  party party

Mission Tea Party Accomplished

I’m back! The Chicago Birthday Tea Party was a success! Pretty little lemon poppy seed scones, check. Lemon bars and lemon drops and gummy peach ring things, check. Decorating cupcakes with lots and lots of icing, check. Nieces dressed up in floppy hats and party necklaces, check. Tea and crumpets, well we skipped that and opted for raspberry hot chocolate and pink lemonade. My niece informed me that since it was her birthday tea party she could have it without tea if she wanted to because she doesn’t like tea and chocolate milk goes just fine in tea cups. Especially since the tea cups weren’t really tea cups but espresso cups we brought back from Paris because we thought the polka dots and stripes were cute.

I was going to type up a long post about how my brother is putting his house up for sale and how they are doing home improvements and packing all at the same time as the party, but you know… it worked out. These things always work out no matter how impossible they seem to me a the time. Just like last year, my mom and sister-in-law managed to pull off the perfect party for little girls and I just took a chill pill and tried to enjoy the moment. My inner party planner is taking a back seat to the little raspberry baby that is making it’s mommy sick sick sick! I really wish it would calm down with the progesterone poisoning.

More about the rest of my trip as soon as I go eat a cracker or something.